

Conversations on the Synodal Assembly 2024

Conversations on the Synodal Assembly 2024



The UISG continues its journey towards synodality and invites all superior generals and sisters from around the world to participate in a series of three meetings dedicated to this theme, in preparation for the second session of the Synod in October 2024.

This series of meetings, titled "Conversations on the Synodal Assembly 2024" offers an important opportunity to deepen and reflect together on fundamental issues concerning consecrated life and the synodal path of the Church.


Dates: September 9, 17, and 26

Time: 2.30 PM to 4.30 PM (Rome time)

Format: In-person at UISG headquarters and online via Zoom

Languages: Italian, French, English, and Spanish

Registration Link: https://uisg.net/Conversations_Synod_2024


Do not miss this opportunity for personal and spiritual enrichment. The meetings will include moments of dialogue and discussion to give voice to all participants and to build together a more aware and participatory future.



Resources for the Synod:

Official Website of the Synod on Synodality

Instrumentum Laboris for the second session of the Synod 2024

UISG – USG Document: Contributions for the Synod

Presentation of the UISG-USG Synod Synthesis Response