International Women's Day: reflection of sr. Maamalifar Poreku
International Women's Day: reflection of sr. Maamalifar Poreku
The 8th of March is a time for women to celebrate the acts of courage, determination, risks taking and heroism of many ordinary women in the life of their communities. For example, the 12-year-old schoolgirl who rowed her pregnant mother by boat at night through the dark and flood waters to the hospital using her mother’s telephone torch to guide her. Without her daring, her mother and her unborn baby would have died.
The 8th of March is a time for women to celebrate their acts of courage, determination, risks taking and heroism(...)
Sowing Hope for the Planet has the possibility to empower and engage people at the grassroots to work towards giving birth to a new system that; first embraces the key Principles of the Catholic Social Teaching such as the common good, stewardship, respect for the dignity and rights of all. Second to bring the voices from the margins to places of decision making so that all can be included. One big challenge is to make people understand that collaboration and networking is the way to make these possible.
Sr. Maamalifar Poreku, MSOLA - Coordinator of Sowing Hope for the Planet
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