Launch of the e-Learning educational unit on Safeguarding
Launch of the e-Learning educational unit on Safeguarding
The Institute of Anthropology (IADC), in association with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) launched an e-Learning educational unit for religious women.
Developed by an interdisciplinary team of international experts, this variation of the e-Learning educational program equips religious women with basics about safeguarding and prevention in the context of their lives and work.
The purpose of the e-Learning educational units for religious women, which is also useful for institutions, is not to explain safeguarding as an abstract issue but rather include it as a core element in their religious formation.
Below you may find the intervention of Sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM, UISG Executive Secretary, at the press conference launching the e-learning unit on 24 May 2024.
“I'm very pleased to welcome you here today and those joining us online on behalf of the international Union of Superiors General but also the Conrad Hilton Foundation and The Institute of Anthropology, which is committed to raising awareness about human dignity
and to promoting education and interdisciplinary research on human dignity.
I think it's fair to say that the promotion of human dignity is at the heart of this collaborative partnership between our three organizations. The members of UISG number over 1,900 Superiors General and they in turn represent over 630,000 sisters worldwide and since 2016 the UISG has focused on helping congregations to create a culture of care in every community and in every Ministry.
This approach is based on recognizing the innate dignity of every human person and the need to promote and recognize this dignity in a multiplicity of contexts in which sisters live.
Minister Pope Francis regularly reminds us that human beings are creatures of this world enjoying a right to life and happiness and endowed with unique dignity and he emphasizes that recognizing human dignity is central to building a society in which we all are brothers and sisters.
No one is to be excluded and each one is to be cared for. We as sisters recognize past failures and in doing so that makes us even more committed to making human dignity and care the central pillars of our lives and Ministries.

As religious women we aim to create healthy and lifegiving environments where people can flourish and reach their full potential. “I came that you may have life and life to the full” - fullness of life for each person and for all is a Gospel imperative.
And so as religious women we must be well prepared so that we have the knowledge skills and competencies to nurture fullness of life, especially in the many contexts where healing is needed. Formation is essential: from initial formation with the religious congregations to ongoing lifelong formation.
UISG has offered online and in-person formation for many years, however this new e-learning initiative offers as you will learn new possibilities to extend the scope and the reach of the formation which is urgently needed.
We want to thank Father Hans and his colleagues at the Institute of Anthropology for this
important new development, which I believe will enhance the knowledge and skills of sisters and their collaborators worldwide and make them a powerful force for good, in creating a society where the care well-being and safeguarding of each person is at the center.
Without the support of the Conrad and Hilton Foundation it would not have been possible to create such possibilities. With sister Jane, we use leadership of the catholic sisters initiative at the foundation enhancing the role and influence of catholic sisters has been a priority.
I believe that the fruits of this e-learning platform will be many well-formed religious women who by networking together and sharing best practice will create spaces for healing for empowerment and for wholeness.
We encourage leaders in religious congregations to make use of this new learning opportunity so that we as sisters across the world may play our part in enhancing and pro and protecting the dignity of people especially those who are vulnerable and at risk and my prayer is that the God of all life will help us to bear witness to the it of all whom he has created regardless of stage of life or wealth or ability or color or creed.
We know that every person is fully equal in God's loving eyes and this is our prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen.”
Discover the e-learning unit: https://iadc.unigre.it/academics/blended-learning.html
Sr. Anne Ndung'u
thanks so much for the initiative and i am really interested and i look forward for the opportunity to learn more in order to help others in the area of safeguarding i.e understand the church's message on safeguarding, spread it and live it. thanks.
Eliane Cordeiro de Souza
Parabéns pela importante iniciativa de formação.
ANNAH Nyadombo Theresa Sr.
Thank you very much Sr Murray. I am interested to learn more about safeguarding. May you consider me as one of the students. I am currently the National Educayion and Safeguarding Coordinator in Zimbabwe for the Bishops Conference. I am also a Member in the Pontifical Commisdion on Protection of Minors. Thank you for launching this process of learning.
Sr. Julie Marie Peters, SSM
I welcome this opportunity to learn because I am responsible at the Generlate level in helping our Congregation write our Safeguarding Policy and getting every country and our various ministries to do the same and I truly find it overwhelming. So any help I can get I consider invaluable.
Sibusisiwe Nyoni CPS
Thanks so much for the information. It is indeed quite vital to create a safe environment so that all may feel safe and protected.
Maria Crowley
How can I take part in this e learning programme.
genoveva dumay
I am interested in this area. I hope to participate well. Looking forward to its actualization.
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After reading the brochure I was interested in studying the course materials further. which makes me interested because it is in line with my current duties as a formator. I am interested in this area. I hope to participate well and hoping to be part of this program as a formator in my Congregation.