The new general council of the Religious of the Assumption
The new general council of the Religious of the Assumption
Election of Sr Rekha Chennattu as Superior General of the Religious of the Assumption (2024-2030)
Sister Rekha Chennattu was re-elected Superior General of the Religious of the Assumption for a new six-year term. The election, presided over by Mgr Laurent Ulrich, Archbishop of Paris, took place in an atmosphere of prayer and recollection at the Mother House in Paris.
Sr Rekha, originally from India and a theologian specialising in Sacred Scripture, has already served the congregation with commitment at international level. Her election marks the beginning of a new phase for the community, under the banner of spiritual renewal and mission.
She will be accompanied by four newly elected councillors: Sr Lerma Victoria Pangantihon (Asia-Pacific), Sr Sandra Elizabeth Durán Pérez (Central America-Cuba), Sr Marthe Ntuyumve (Rwanda-Chad), and Sr Françoise Martin (France). Together, they will guide the congregation in its future directions.