Vatican News
Survey on the Global Compact on Education
Survey on the Global Compact on Education
As Cardinal Tolentino, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, evidences in the attached letter, more than three years have passed since Pope Francis' invitation to build together a Global Compact On Education. It is an invitation that has been widely received expressing great universality. We are all concerned to see how this global alliance is being embraced and implemented; as well as its construction is being promoted.
That is why the OIEC, together with the UISG / USG, the CPAL and the LUMSA University have prepared this instrument that helps to work and land the proposal. The invitation to fill out the questionnaire can come to you in different ways and you can also spread it: May it reach many! Let's add up!
The questionnaire has a threefold objective:
- Understand how we are moving forward in this constructive process of the pact.
- Infect and inspire each other to redouble efforts to make such a local and global compact a reality, and,
- Collect some initiatives and significant experiences of how the pact is invited and built from the different institutions and contexts, joining wills, and listening to everyone.
The recipients are all the members of the Educational Communities (Directors, Teachers, Students, Collaborators, Families); other educational, religious, social, cultural, economic agents... of the environment; Catholic or not. We can then analyze the data, according to the recipients, the type of institution, by continents, etc.
We ask you to send this documentation to those responsible for Education of your Congregations, so that they can send it to all your educational communities.
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