Merry Christmas from both Unions of Superiors General!
Merry Christmas from both Unions of Superiors General!
We present to you the Christmas and New Year greetings from the two Unions of Superiors General, UISG and USG.
On this special occasion of the holy season and the upcoming Jubilee Year, these messages invite us to reflect on hope, transformation, and unity as we continue our journey together in faith and mission.
Greetings of sister Pat Murray, the executive secretary of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG)
"Greetings to everyone. As we look towards Christmas and the New Year, we know that we are living in demanding times. But we also have two significant signposts to provide direction and encouragement for the way ahead.
The first signpost is the synodal journey that calls us all, especially religious women and men, to initiate pathways of missionary transformation.
The second signpost is the Jubilee year, which invites us to nourish the flame of Hope, to help everyone to look to the future with an open spirit and a trusting heart.
This is my prayer for all of us for the year ahead, that as brothers and sisters, we can be witnesses of a Hope that Transforms even the most difficult of situations, and that could bring about peace and Reconciliation.
A very happy Christmas and New Year to everyone."
Greetings of Brother Emili Turú, F.M.S., the executive secretary of the Union Superiors General (USG)
"Merry Christmas, with our best wishes that in the Jubilee Year 2025, consecrated life will continue to be a prophecy of hope in a world that often gives little reason to hope that tomorrow will be better.
Our pilgrimage together, men and women religious, people of very different cultures and origins, proclaims loud and strong that not only is it possible to live as sisters and brothers, but that diversity enriches us.
In this way we bring hope to the world, but also to ourselves as we cross our own desert.
Happy Jubilee of Hope.
Happy Christmas.
Hope never disappoints."
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