Plenary 2019

Plenary Theme 2019
Sowers of Prophetic Hope
From May 6-10, 2019, the XXI Plenary Assembly of the UISG was hosted in Rome. The theme chosen by the UISG Steering Committee is "Sowers of Prophetic Hope."
One of the novelties of this Plenary for the Superior Generals was the possibility to participate in some thematic workshops, in the days before and after the meeting.
The workshops dealt with the following themes: Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults, Protection of Minors, Canon Law for Religious Life, Communication for Women Religious.
Sr. Carmen Sammut and Sr. Patricia Murray - Report UISG Activities 2016 – 2019
Sr. Teresa Maya - A Vision for the Future of Religious Life
Sr. Judette Gallares - The Responsibility of Religious Life: A Biblical Perspective
Sr. Adriana Carla Milmanda - Intercultural Life as a Sign of Prophetic Hope
Donna Orsuto - The call to interreligious dialogue
Sr. Sheila Kinsey - UISG Campaign for the Planet: Laudato Si and the Way Forward
Sister Sally M. Hodgdon - Seeds of Hope from the 2018 Synod on Youth
Audience with Pope Francis (May 10): VIDEO – TEXT
Interviews with the participants (made by MEDIACOR)
Photos Assembly: 6 may - 7 may - 8 may - 9 may