Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

UISG-USG Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
Our Commission promotes the integration of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation in the life and mission of the member congregations of UISG-USG. We animate men and women religious through reflection on experience, social analysis, theological reflection and prophetic action.
We aim to integrate contemplation and action in order to help transform the world in the spirit of the Gospel through lives that witness to justice, peace and care for the integrity of creation.
Our commission is inspired by the Pastoral Constitution, Gaudium et Spes which asked that “an organism of the universal Church be set up that the justice and love of Christ be developed everywhere” (n.90). The Commission was established jointly in 1982 by USG and UISG.
We aim to help male and female religious to explore and make known the Church’s call to live the Gospel vision of Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation. We focus on the needs of people who live in situations of extreme need and those who are excluded and marginalized.
The UISG Campaign Sowing Hope for the Planet, which was launched in 2018, helps to promote the Laudato Si’ Action Plan, by engaging religious in developing global plans that integrate values of nonviolence in the creation of an integral ecology.
Sr. Maamalifar jpic.cosec@lasalle.org
Fr. Roy jpicusguisg@lasalle.org

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