Creation Day: A New Liturgical Feast? The role of Catholic organizations in the process
Creation Day: A New Liturgical Feast? The role of Catholic organizations in the process
Online and in person in Rome, in the headquarters of UISG - Piazza di Ponte Sant'Angelo, 28
Throughout this past decade, many of us have enthusiastically celebrated “Creation Day” on September 1 (also known as “Feast of Creation” or “World Day of Prayer for Creation”), which opens the larger “Season of Creation”. Inspired by the day's ancient symbolism as the commemoration of the creation of the world (in Orthodox tradition), an ecumenical process is currently underway to elevate Creation Day to become a new feast in the liturgical calendars of various churches.
This event, addressed to leaders of Catholic organizations and congregations (e.g. president, superior general, others with governance or executive roles, JPIC coordinators, etc), will share more background about the proposed feast, its theological foundations, and ways for Catholic organizations to contribute to the process.
30 September 2024, 3pm - 4.30pm (Rome time)
Laudato Si' Movement, JPIC, USG, UISG, Laudato Si' Research Institute
Focolare Movement, Inter-Franciscan Commission Roman VI, International Catholic Conference of Scouting, Order of Augustinian Recollects (Arcores), Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Society of Jesus (SJES), Society of Mary, and World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations
English, Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese