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COP27 Prayer Calendar
COP27 Prayer Calendar
From the Introduction to the Calendar, prepared by the Dominican Sisters:
The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP27, will be held from November 6 to 18 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Sharm El Sheikh is Egyptian for the city of peace, an apt name for the international gathering to address the increasing urgency for climate crisis action. The city is also tellingly located only 50 miles from Mt. Sinai, a site sacred to three major faith traditions, all of whom recognize the one Creator whose love encompasses the whole of life.
This is a gathering of heads of State, ministers and negotiators, climate activists, mayors, civil society representatives, CEOs, and concerned citizens from many nations who come together to continue the on-going efforts to revitalize international cooperation on climate action. It is essential that they hear from as many voices as possible. We are all of us affected by the growing consequences of climate change.
(...)Veritas. By our very charism as Dominicans we are called to speak Truth to a world that often lives in denial of reality. Our emphasis on study to separate fact from false hype, on prayer and contemplative reflection that open us to our own personal transformation, on the importance of living for the common good lend us credibility to speak this Truth.
Since few of us can travel to Egypt for a physical presence, we offer the following as a way to be connected to the work and the outcome of the Conference.
There are a lot of emails that will be coming by in the next few weeks along with a series of reflections on the readings for each of the days during the Conference, and short videos that highlight some of the work we Dominicans are doing to address climate change. Please take a look at the calendar below to see what content will come out on each day this way you do not miss out on anything!
Join Shoeless on Sinai: A Digital Pilgrimage to COP27
Kate O’Brien IHM
This will help many of us to better see the global picture. Thank you.
Therese Terns
Thank you for providing this daily tool!
Rosemary Burnham
want to be kept up to date.
Mary Ellen O'Donoghue rsj
Thank you so much for making this initiative available to all.
Janice Farnham
Heartfelt thanks for “including” us in so much of the COP27 activity. Prayers for real and effective action together for the sake of our common home!
Joyce Ann Hertzig, OP
Thank you for making so many of us aware of COP 27 and the prayers that we can pray with others.
Yvette Bellerose
Thank you for providing these resources.
Honora Nolty, OP
thank you
Brigid Baumann
Gratitude for the materials to assist us i prayerful and virtual presence at this urgent event.
Sr. Eliza McLoughlin
United in heart and prayer!
Sr. Peggy Devlin, OP
Thank you so much for your marvelous efforts to this sacred cause,
Terry Hambel
Thanks you for sharing this with us
Michelle Loisel
Hopefully more hope than concerns!
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Mary Ann Mulzet SSJ
Thank you in advance!