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Educational offer of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI)

Educational offer of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI)


Announcement of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI)


An institute of excellence, PISAI has a long tradition in the academic training of Christians for dialogue with Muslims. Founded in Tunis in 1926 by the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), in 1960 the Congregation for Seminaries and Universities canonically erected it as a Pontifical Institute. At the behest of Paul VI, it was transferred to Rome in 1964. Thanks to the personal interest of Benedict XVI, PISAI has benefitted from the direct guardianship of the Holy See since 2008, while still entrusted to the care of the White Fathers.

Rooted in Catholic tradition, PISAI is convinced that interreligious encounter must be based on good will, scientifically grounded knowledge, and a spirit of mutual respect. Our values are:

  • academic rigour;
  • critical thinking;
  • a scientific approach;
  • the cultivation of a learning and teaching community;
  • the appreciation of otherness;
  • human fraternity;
  • a commitment to engage in a constructive dialogue with Muslims;
  • a «culture of encounter» (Fratelli tutti, 216)


Discover the educational offer

Visit the website of PISAI

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