Consecrated Life and Leadership
Consecrated Life and Leadership
XXVII World Day of Consecrated Life: 2 February 2023
Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple: today we celebrate the 27th World Day of Consecrated Life. A precious occasion to remember the meaning of our vocational choice, but also to look at the present in an attentive, curious and synodal way.
"This day prompts us as consecrated persons to ask ourselves questions: do we powerfully and frequently invoke the Spirit and ask him to rekindle in our hearts a missionary fire, apostolic zeal, passion for Christ and for humanity? Are we impelled to “speak of what we have seen and heard” (1 Jn 1:3)? Do we feel a longing for Christ? Do we suffer and risk in harmony with his pastoral heart? Are we willing to “widen our tent,” to walk together? Above all, we ask ourselves: is it the Person of Jesus, his feelings, his compassion, that excites our hearts?" (from the letter for the Day of Consecrate Life From the Dicastery of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life)
Questions that inhabit and challenge us.
We asked some Superior Generals to share their experience of consecration starting precisely from their service as leaders.
"As a leader I try, every day, to facilitate growth and change by embracing fragility as a resource and opportunity to walk with others, renewing my commitment to listen to all, especially those who have no voice."
Sr. Nadia Coppa, Superior General of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ

"I live my consecration today with great joy, with a heart totally given to God and my eyes 'fixed on Jesus', who calls me and sends me, as an instrument, to serve with a merciful, synodal, unburdened heart, with an attitude of listening, welcoming and generosity, giving my life totally for the sake of the mission He has entrusted to me and, at the same time, open to learn and grow more and more in the capacity to love and serve with gratuitousness and gratitude."
Sr Lucia Walker, Superior General of the Sisters of San Camillo
"I live my Consecration as a leader by placing my trust in God, aware that this life exists so that God’s will and desire for the world be accomplished in a particular way by religious. As religious, we work alongside our sisters and brothers in other ways of life who are called to build the Kingdom with us in their unique ways. I also live my Consecration by placing my trust in the Sisters of our Congregational Leadership Team and the Congregation knowing that God works and speaks through them, and trusting that together we can and do discern the hope of God for our Congregation and its mission to the Church and world, now and in the future."
Sr Mary Johnson, Superior General of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
"Living the consecration as leader of my congregation means living, in communion with those who share this same consecration, the joy of belonging to Christ and his Church. This belonging nourishes and revitalises the enthusiasm to walk and to be a Marian presence for all people without exclusion, who share our Marist mission. To walk together in communion to let ourselves be transformed and radiate by Christ Love."
Sr Sylvette MANE, Sœurs Maristes
"For me, consecrated life is the response to the invitation to live as fully as possible in the service of humanity, having Jesus as my model. I live my role as a leader with the awareness that I am a woman called to give my life for love, so I feel that my action is marked by constant discernment in seeking the good of those we serve as a congregation, living a loving, compassionate and supportive welcome in collaboration and interdependence to find ways to heal and improve the world in which we live."
Sr. Alba Letelier, Sisters of Providence
In Rome the Day will be celebrated with a "Brothers and Sisters in Mission" Mass in the Papal Basilica of St Mary Major
UISG Communication Office
Read the message of Sr. Nadia Coppa, ASC for the XXVII World Day of Consecrated Life
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