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Ten Women Saints: Builders of Humanity

Ten Women Saints: Builders of Humanity


Libreria Editrice Vaticana has published the book "Dieci donne sante: artefici dell’umano" [Ten Women Saints: Builders of Humanity], which brings together the papers of the Second International Inter-University Conference, held in Rome on 7-8 March 2024 at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. The two days of reflection were part of the project “Women in the Church: Builders of Humanity”, promoted by different academic institutions: the Catholic University of Ávila (UCAV), the Pontifical Urban University, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the Pontifical Ateneo Regina Apostolorum, and the Teresianum Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Rome, sponsored by up to five Dicasteries of the Roman Curia, including the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, and six Embassies to the Holy See.

The project was launched in 2022 through an initial conference titled "Female Doctors of the Church and Patron Saints of Europe." It aims to offer a contribution to the theological-pastoral reflection on women within the Church based on the testimonies of female saints. In particular, it fits into the current synodal path to shed light on the role of women as disciples of Christ in the way of Mary. At the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis stressed that “The role of women in the Church… is precisely to be the icon of the Virgin…; what helps make the Church grow!” (cf. FRANCIS, Press conference during the return flight from the apostolic journey to Rio de Janeiro on the occasion of the 28th World Youth Day, 28 July 2013). And following the way of Mary – who carried out her mission alongside Joseph, her husband – the project on women as “builders of humanity” intends to promote the charism and role of women in the Church and the world with a view to co-responsibility and complementarity between women and men.

The book "Dieci donne sante: artefici dell’umano" explores ten women’s holiness who, as Pope Francis recalled during his Audience with the participants in the Conference, “at different times and in different cultures, each in her own distinct way, gave proof through initiatives of charity, education and prayer, of how the ‘feminine genius’ can uniquely reflect God’s holiness in the midst of our world.”

The publication can be a useful tool in university, as well as in diocesan and parish pastoral care to promote that “pastoral care of holiness” that offers young people examples of holiness, “especially of feminine sanctity, can encourage them to aim higher, to broaden the horizons of their dreams and their ways of thinking, and to aim to pursue high ideals. … In this way, education will be increasingly capable of touching each person in his or her wholeness and uniqueness.” (cf. FRANCIS, Address to the participants in the International Inter-University Conference, Clementine Hall, 7 March 2024).

The book is now available on the LEV website and on our website and can be downloaded and distributed free of charge.