Engaging grassroots communities in faith-based climate dialogue
Engaging grassroots communities in faith-based climate dialogue
Last week, we were honoured to welcome the Faith Centre at LSE (London School of Economics) and the UK Embassy to the Holy See for a joint event on climate advocacy.
UISG, the Faith Centre and the UK Embassy co-hosted a workshop entitled Overcoming barriers to engaging grassroots communities in faith-based climate diplomacy. This one-day event, which took place at the UISG headquarters in Rome, brought together academics, diplomats and religious leaders to discuss involving grassroots faith communities in climate action and advocacy.
The LSE team presented findings and methodologies that have emerged from its research into faith literacy as a tool for engagement on climate issues, and from previous workshops in Indonesia and Egypt. These presentations prompted a lively discussion on intercultural challenges surrounding the involvement of faith communities and institutions in building climate resilience, and on best practices for navigating these issues.
On behalf of UISG, Sister Maamalifar M. Poreku presented an overview of our environmental network, Sowing Hope for the Planet, and its mission to connect and empower Sisters worldwide in caring for our common home.
Father Roy Thomas, representing USG, shared his own experience of accompanying undocumented migrant workers in India, and particularly waste pickers: his story highlighted that the grassroots actors who work hardest and contribute most to safeguarding our planet are often those who receive the least protection and recognition.
We were also delighted to welcome Sister Azucena Correa, from Colombia, and Sister Maire Diouf, from Senegal, who represented the broader UISG network, and shared their vision for effective coordination of environmental efforts at local and regional levels.
Sister Azucena is a Commission member of the Amazon Itinerant Network with CLAR, the Confederation of Latin American Religious: she accompanies grassroots communities across the Colombian Amazon, focusing on integral ecology, care for our common home and protecting biodiversity.
Sister Marie is the Superior General of the Daughters of the Holy Heart of Mary and the President of COSMAM, the Confederation of Conferences of Major Superiors of Africa and Madagascar.
The contributions of Sister Marie and Sister Azucena provided a vital perspective on how women religious in the field can engage local communities in transformative, systemic change, and what support and resources they need from global networks.
This event was coordinated by the UISG advocacy and environment offices. We are grateful to everyone who took part in the stimulating discussions, which will be fully reported by LSE. We particularly wish to thank our colleagues at the Faith Centre and the Embassy for partnering with UISG to create a space for the continuation of this vital conversation, on a topic that is particularly close to our hearts.
Carmela Trujillo
Thank you for the wonderful work that you do. is this available for later viewing?
Sr. Fatima Santiago,icm.
This is a wonderful initiative and we all need to work hand in hand in order to take care of our earth and cosmos. In this effort the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Texas -Mexico Border for the past 20 years we create consciousness on Ecology to immigrants through Organic community garden and planting 2326 citrus fruit trees at the back yard of their little homes. The people have green thumbs and they can sell their fruits and vegetables to pay their bills!
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Colleen Moore
Thank you for all the amazing work being done for the healing of our mother earth.