Religious Life called to be a prophet in our society
Religious Life called to be a prophet in our society
Interview with father Pedro Celso Tramontin, Superior General, Society of the Divine Saviour during the joint UISG-USG meeting (22-24 November 2023).
The first idea that comes to mind and in my heart is a great feeling of gratitude for all the work done and for all that it has generated in the people who have participated and are participating in this process.
This great feeling of gratitude also, and above all, comes from listening to those who participate in the meeting and that also generates action and, as a consequence of listening, sharing and working together, which are very important today.
The sense of true unity must exist above all in us as an example that we too are called to give of unity indeed, of collaboration, of working together and, as the theme of the Synod says, of walking together. Being a prophet always means announcing and denouncing.
Today more than ever, religious life is called to be a prophet in the society in which we live and also in the community, and each one of us, as a witness, I believe has much to announce and much to denounce, especially by witnessing with our own personal lives, but also by facing realities such as that of the Church and young people today.
It is a great challenge to accompany them, to help educate them and to walk with them, and then also the whole process of formation is very demanding today, with what are the ideas that we must really help young people to grow, but also religious life as a whole, therefore to be a prophet, to denounce, to proclaim, to be a witness and to be a presence, especially in the most challenging realities of the world.
Today, as the Pope says, the peripheries are where many struggle to go, but it is there that we must make our presence felt, and in so many places where we are called to bear witness to the Gospel, the union of men and women is always the best option.
I have already experienced, within the USG and the UISG, union, then separation, then partial union, and now we proceed for some issues together and for others separately.
This experience that we have had, in particular, has been very rich and very much appreciated. We have some steps to take, but I believe that collaboration is the best way forward. I hope that we will take further steps towards greater openness and collaboration among us religious, because I believe that it is by walking together that we will give the greatest witness to the consecrated life to which we are called.
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