For Peace in the Holy Land
For Peace in the Holy Land
In this moment of deep concern and sorrow for the situation we are facing, we wish to share a ray of hope. The International Union of Superiors General (UISG) invites the members of religious congregations and all their collaborators to answer the call of the Bishops of the Holy Land for a day of fasting and prayer on October 17, dedicated to peace and reconciliation.
This is a time when we want to come together as a global community, praying together for a world where peace prevails over violence, justice over discord, and reconciliation over hatred. United in prayer, we can bring our desire for peace and justice to God the Father.
Let us join this initiative and continue to pray for a peaceful and better world for all.
Read the message of Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, President of the ACOHL
Pilar Rallo
En oración y ayuno por la PAZ
Kathleen Marie Raya
O our God Take what we give you this day and grant all the peace only You can give especially the people of Israel, Gaza and all in the Middle East. Your servant
Maria luz
Me uno a todos los religiosos para pedir por la paz en el mundo. Dios proteja a su pueblo
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Virginia Varela
Oh my dearest God, Please forgive us for our sins. Help us and bless us. We pray for peace in Gaza and Israel and the Middle East. May all those who are suffering find peace and rest, love and forgiveness that is divinely inspired. Amen