

Happy Easter from UISG!

Happy Easter from UISG!


May this Easter renew Hope in all our hearts and fill us with God’s peace and joy with which we can go out and contaminate the world.


The President, the Executive Board and the staff of the International Union of Superiors General wish you an Easter of peace and serenity.
We share the Easter greetings of some members of the Executive Board of the UISG for all of you.

Wishing you all the hope, peace and joy of the resurrected Christ this Easter…
In a world that is plagued by so much violence, destruction, and unnecessary death, more than ever there is need for witnesses to the hope that comes with resurrection; May this Easter renew Hope in all our hearts and fill us with God’s peace and joy with which we can go out and contaminate the world.

Sr Mary Barron, OLA, UISG President

Mary Magdalene, Salome, Mary the mother of James... and with them so many women who today we continue to proclaim with our lives: He is truly risen.
Happy encounter experience with the Risen One! An experience that makes us live with joy, hope and commitment.

Sr. María José Gay, Carmelite Teresian Missionary Sisters

May the Risen Lord fill our hearts with profound joy.
May the joy of Eastertide rekindle in us the passion to radiate the joy of the Gospel and be instruments of peace in a world plagued by pain, insecurities and uncertainties, wars and natural disasters.

Sr Theodosia Baki, The Congregation of the Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis

May this Easter be filled with joy, peace and blessings for you, your communities and all your loved ones.
May the Easter Light always illuminate our paths and those of humanity still immersed in darkness.
May the Peace which the Risen Lord brings, give hope to all those who suffer and struggle in their day-to-day life.
May our hearts be filled with love and gratitude as we celebrate this Easter.
Happy Easter!

Sr Theresa Purayidathil, EF, Daughters of the Church

The Lord is risen, He is with us. This is our joy, which nothing and no one can take away from us, and our hope, which radiates a light that illuminates the shadows and moves us to create fellowship, to promote together paths of full life for all. Happy Easter!

Sr. M. Rita Calvo, odn


hna. Margarita Méndez Sanchez

Queridas hermanas, muchísimas gracias por su felicitaciones y por el servicio que ofrecen a la vida religiosa en el mundo. Un abrazo en Cristo Resucitado. Hna. Margarita Hermanas Hijas de la Altagracia. República Dominicana.


Sr. Arlene Greenidge O.P.

Indeed, He is truly risen! Thank you to the UISG leadership and support team for your care and service - you are a true sign and reservoir of Easter hope and joy. May every grace that you need for the onward journey be yours. Shalom ...


Sr. Sofia Gusnia Saragih, CB

Thank you very much for your encouraging Easter wishes. We wish you all a blessed and happy Easter.


Lokwa Iyonde Félicité

Bien chères Soeurs, Nous avons reçu tous vos bons vœux et vous en remercions. De même, nous vous souhaitons une joyeuse fête de Pâques. Que la grâce de la Résurrection vous guide dans votre lourde responsabilité au sein de l'UISG et de vos congrégations respectives en vue d'une Vie Religieuse renouvelée et épanouie ! Dans la joie de la Résurrection, Félicité


M. Béatrice Mbengue

Un grand merci pour ces vœux remplis d'espérance pour nos cœurs et pour le monde. Daigne le Seigneur les exaucer et faire de nous toutes témoins de cette Espérance qu'apporte sa Résurrection et ce, dans tous les coins du monde où la Vie Consacrée incarne la présence du Ressuscité.


Lokwa Iyonde Félicité

We have received all your good wishes and we thank you for them. We would like to wish you a happy Easter as well. May the grace of the Resurrection guide you in your great responsibility within the UISG and your respective congregations for a renewed and fulfilled religious life! United in the joy of the Risen One, Félicité


Pushpa E. Purathur fc.

May the Peace and Joy of the Easter bring Hope to the world, especially to those in the war-torn areas, the poor, the most vulnarable especially the women and children. Sr. Pushpa E. Purathur fc



Me parece todo lo que envian que da esperanza y vida. Gracias, por esta felicitación Pas cual.


milagros Doncel Muro

Muchas gracias y que la fe en la resurrección nos haga audaces para ser en nuestro entorno testigos de esperanza. ¡FELIZ PASCUA! gRACIAS Y UN ABRAZO,


Sr Marie Pépyne Matendakama

Merci beaucoup que les grâces pascales nous soient partagées, pour notre mission commune, < la suite du Seigneur Jésus> Sr Marie Pée , fscm du Sénégal


Maria de la Paz Mena Carrasco

Gracias por vuestras felicitaciones. Os deseo a todo el equipo una vivencia profunda de la Pascua de Resurrección que celebramos. CRISTO VIVE y sostiene y anima nuestra esperanza. Unidas a todas vosotras en la oración y la fe, os envío un cálido y fraternal abrazo

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