Icon of the International Meeting for Communication in Religious Life
Icon of the International Meeting for Communication in Religious Life
“My gift helped me to deepen my relationship with God.”
Sr Eleanor Correa Llanes
This icon was designed by Sr Eleanor Correa Llanes, ICM on the occasion of the First International Meeting of Communication for Religious Life “Communicating Religious Life”, which will be online from 27 to 30 November of this year.
Sr Eleanor was inspired by the lemma of the Meeting: At your Word, o Lord, we will cast our nets.

She explains the symbolism of the icon: “The bright, yellow and orange circular lines, symbolize God’s radiance, illuminating, encompassing the reality we are in.
We are illuminated by the encompassing, circular movement of God’s radiance. The three pairs of hands, in 3 diverse shades of skin, symbolizing diversities. Together, amidst our diversities, in the emerging “lights and shadows” context of the world, we cast our nets into the depths of our encounter with God’s presence. We are nourished, strengthened, inspired to walk the enlightened path, proclaiming God’s compassion, peace, joy, and justice to the ends of the Earth.”

Sr. Eleanor Correa Llanes is a Missionary Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (ICM) from the Philippines. She has a Bachelor of fine Arts in the College of the Holy Spirit, Mendiola, Philippines. She spent 24 years in Brazil as missionary. She also taught art to children and adults.
This is what she says about her experience of being an artist: “In 2002, during a 30-day retreat with a Cenacle Sister, I experienced a beautiful enlightenment: I touched the mystery of God through my gift of being a visual artist… I discovered that I can proclaim God through colours and lines! Since 2002, I have been creating contemporary Sacred Images."
In the process, using some of my skills skill as an art educator, I was inspired to use art in the process healing. Once in a while, I am invited to facilitate workshops for the families of the victims of extra judicial killings. As I have deeply experienced, my gift helped me to deepen my relationship with God. In the recollections and workshops, I am invited to facilitate, I use art as a tool for expressing, sharing deep feelings, thoughts… of the participants, young or old.”
Read more about First International Meeting for Communication in Religious Life
#CommunicatingReligiousLife #IMCRL2023
irmtrud schreiner
I just read an interview with the new Äbtissin in St. Hildegard's Abtei in Rüdesheim: with the titel: Gehorsam ist Dialog. To find out what is helpful to me and the congregation, is dialog with one's talents and then use them to dialogue with Jesus Christ in the world around us. I thank Eleanor to share her gift, through obediently listen to herself and the sisters with her.
Caterina Lacancellera
Mi piace molto il significato della immagine attuale aleegra e ricca di speranza per il futuro
Sheeba Raja Pandian
Fico feliz para contemplar essa belo arte. Seja nosso Deus louvado e glorificado através dessa arte.
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Looking forward to being inspired.