International Women's Day: reflection of sr. Antonietta Papa
International Women's Day: reflection of sr. Antonietta Papa
To be oneself today, in a world torn apart by hypocritical wars based on interests, and power, is a challenge. To be oneself as women in this society and in this Church, is even more difficult. March 8 has its importance if, as women, we can stand in solidarity, weave relationships of mediation and act in the common search for truth and justice.
One of the challenges I feel preponderant is the powerlessness in the face of a local and global issue of which there is no political will to solve.
March 8 has its importance if, as women, we can stand in solidarity, weave relationships of mediation and act in the common search for truth and justice.
Migration, or rather the migrants who land along our shores and inevitably bring with them different worlds, should become, for many, the reason to create a situation of dialogue for mutual knowledge and esteem.
What motivates our presence as disciples of Jesus is the welcoming of migrants.
The opportunity I feel is to approach the tortured humanity of the living Christ today, only if with a gesture, a word, and this simply because I am consecrated, with no other interest than the willingness to welcome in the name of the Father and the consciousness of being brothers and sisters on a journey, pilgrims on this world.
Sr. Antonietta Papa, fmm - Migrants in Sicily Project Coordinator
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Suor Antonietta, Condivido e ti ringrazio per la riflessione e auguro che la tua e la vostra attuazione trovi vasta accoglienza e porti molti e rinnovati frutti in favore dei migranti.