Outstanding Award for Sr. Pat Murray
LCWR Award for Sr. Pat Murray
At the close of the Assembly of Leadership Conference of Women Religious, held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA form August 9th to 12th, the conference honoured sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM with its 2022 Outstanding Leadership Award.
"Pat Murray has given her entire life to the uncovering of possibilities – ones that have improved the lives of persons literally throughout the entire world. An inspirational trailblazer, she has tackled some of the most vexing problems facing humanity – undeterred by obstacles that stand in the way of finding solutions." - we read in the tribute to sr. Pat prepared for this occasion.

Upon accepting the award, in her speech sr. Pat addressed the Assembly, offering the reflection on three landscapes, which seem to call women religious to live in: global interconnected landscape, Synodal landscape and a landscape of luxurious diversity:
"In a recent article Thomas O’Loughlin wrote that “Diversity is everywhere. Diversity is richness and the source of beauty. Diversity is what makes life worth living.” It is luxurious. Within religious life, we experience this growing diversity especially of cultures and ethnicities. How can we as members of religious congregations, with a purpose, a charism, bring a positive contribution to the challenge of global intercultural living? We can demonstrate a new way of relating with the “other” within our religious communities, within local and global communities that embodies a hopeful perspective for future life in the world, based on the values of solidarity, justice and dialogue. The global networks of sisters and the many inter-congregational projects that are emerging today witness prophetically to the oneness of humankind. We know from the experience of Pentecost that the Spirit is the One “unifying in our diversity and diversifying in unity.” This is a reality that we have to make present in our daily living and that we must witness to others."
Watch the tribute to sr. Pat Murray and her acceptance speech
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Makose Khubelu ( Sr Beatrix) makosekhubedu@mail.com
Thank you so much Sr Pat for the great service and the selfless " yes" to the sisters electing you serve us, the UISG members. We are really reaping the fruits of work you did for us Religious Congregations world wide. May God continue blessing you and Team that has been working with you hand in hand, sharing with the Joys, pains, challenges and the successes of the UISG undertakings and the many efforts made in search of how Religious life can be known and understood through out the world. Thank you.