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Women of the Dawn: Sr. Cristina Robaina
The powerful and transforming presence of the Risen One
We publish the commentary of Sr Cristina Robaina, sjt, to the new document of the Latin American Confederation of Religious (CLAR): "Women of the Dawn: Inspiring Horizon 2022-2025". (available only in Spanish)
When entering existentially in the heart of CLAR’s Inspiring Horizon we experience a summoning force and an inner dynamism that precedes us and pushes us with the force of that wind “that we do not know from where it comes or where it goes” (cf. Jn 3:8).
Page after page we perceive the throbs of life from the entrails of all Latin America and the Caribbean, throbs that do not allow us to look away when we live and are part of that challenging reality that is described in a few brushstrokes: that of the sociopolitical life, the ecclesial life, and the religious life.
The powerful and transforming presence of the Risen One, which initially surprised and stunned the women of the dawn, projects itself over the whole Horizon (...)
The powerful and transforming presence of the Risen One, which initially surprised and stunned the women of the dawn, projects itself over the whole Horizon; and it reaches our lives as a new impulse and a path of radical conversion towards the movements of the dawn that the Divine Ruah whispers in the heart of the Church.
We know and feel that we have been introduced into the dance of the Trinity, the source of our synodal journey.
Therefore, we want to commit ourselves in response to the invitation to “Let ourselves be affected in a synodal way as religious life of Latin American and Caribbean, by weaving humanizing and intercultural relationships, listening to the cry of the poor and of the earth, and receiving the power of the Resurrection” (cf. HI pp. 10–1).

Sr. Cristina Robaina, stj
A Sister of the Society of Saint Teresa of Jesus, born in Montevideo, Uruguay.
She specialized in education and has a Master’s degree in Bioethics. Member of the Theological Advisory Team of the Presidency of CLAR - ETAP.
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