Second UISG Women Religious Theologians Symposium starts in Rome
Second UISG Women Religious Theologians Symposium starts in Rome
The Second UISG Women Religious Theologians Symposium has commenced at the Centro Ad Gentes in Nemi, Rome. Gathering 29 participants from all five continents, the symposium promises a week of vibrant exchange and reflection.
The event started on the evening of May 26th with a warm welcome, where the participants were introduced to the symposium's aims and program, and broke the ice through an engaging activity, fostering connections that will enrich the whole experience.
Monday, May 27th, marked the official opening of the symposium. A meaningful opening ritual saw each sister symbolically contribute elements representing their congregation charism and country. This great display of global diversity set the tone for the day.
Sr. Patricia Murray, ibvm, UISG's executive secretary, delivered the welcome address. In her remarks, she emphasized the symposium's aim: to nurture theological reflection on religious life in a way that is both contextual and practical.
The morning continued with a keynote address by Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xmcj. Her talk, titled "Synodality and Religious Life," sparked a lively question-and-answer session, allowing the sisters to openly shared their anxieties and aspirations regarding the current synodal journey within the Church.
This symposium aims to be a vital platform for these Women Religious Theologians to connect across borders, share experiences, weave relationships and enhance Religious Life theological reflection. Undoubtedly, the difficult realities faced by countless people around the world will inspire and challenge the symposium meetings, contents and outcomes.
Pierrette Dion,CND
Vous êtes des femmes heureuses invitantes à la vie religieuse fervente et à vivre notre chartsme dans la joie.
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Marina Tremblay
Il n'y aura que du beau, du bon de la lumière qui se vivra dans et par votre beau groupe! Le fruit se récoltera chez moi au Québec! Merci!