New Leaders: Supporting communities to care
New Leaders: Supporting communities to care
We have released New Leaders: Supporting communities to care, the third and final instalment in its campaign to celebrate Catholic Sisters promoting justice, peace and integrity of Creation.
The message of this video is summarised in its closing statement: Sisters embody a culture of care based on presence, encounter and service. The approach of Sisters to community engagement is rooted in three fundamental values, underpinning their unique contribution to global development. Presence: Sisters live among the world’s most vulnerable people, sharing their experiences, challenges and hopes. Encounter: Sisters welcome difference in all its forms, striving to recognise and value each person in their full human dignity. And service: Sisters are committed to promoting the empowerment of all people and the wellbeing of our common home, giving their time, their energies and even their lives in service of others.
Sister Mary John Kudiyiruppil, Associate Executive Secretary at UISG, says: “The foundational drive of most congregations of women religious has been one of care and nurture, especially where systems and structures have been weak in caring for the vulnerable. UISG is committed to supporting communities to care, as is evident in the number of its initiatives related to direct care and to support for care-givers. My wish and prayer is that people see this video, draw inspiration for their lives, tap into their fundamental urge to care, and support persons and structures engaged in care-giving.”
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