On the way with Mary Magdalene
On the way with Mary Magdalene
July 22, we celebrate Mary Magdalene, the one who let herself be loved by Jesus to the point of becoming the first witness of his Resurrection.
Woman, disciple and apostle of the Apostles, Mary Magdalene leads us to walk the paths of life that pass-through death in search of the Risen One.
We invite you to pray with her steps to meet Jesus on that first morning.
After reading John 20, 1-18 discuss with Jesus these questions:
1. What is my day? What is my time?
2. What are the desires that move me?
3. What is the tomb that I visit? What are the "NOS" and the "NADAS" of my life?
4. Today, Jesus asks you: "Woman, why do you weep, whom do you seek? Only God can "make all things new".
5. Do you believe in the God of the surprise of the Resurrection beyond your understanding?
6. What resonates in me, Jesus, when you call my name?
7. Jesus, what do you want to transform in me? What message of life do you send me to proclaim?
We also invite you to have a conversation in the Spirit with people in your community. Find out how it's done here.
Anna Quinterio
Il canto bellissimo, grazie amche per condividere ed unirci in questa toccante preghiera.
Claire Emmanuel
Merci pour votre créativité.
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