Plenary Talks: Mª Carmen Mora Sena, hcsa
Plenary Talks: Mª Carmen Mora Sena, hcsa
In this series, we will present the talks presented during the UISG Plenary Assembly in Rome in May 2022.
All the talks are available in the newest issue of the UISG Bulletin.
The Leader’s Vulnerability During the Pandemic - Sr. Mª Carmen Mora Sena, hcsa
When I received the invitation to participate in this panel, I felt that I could not say no because precisely vulnerability has accompanied me throughout my life, and I think it is the word that best defines my personal experience in the performance of the service of Superior General of the Congregation of which I am part, the service I started in July 2019, just a few months before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The truth is that, from the very beginning, even before the pandemic started, I felt small and vulnerable and had practically spent the first year of this service wondering why I said Yes at the Chapter, upon being elected.
I had some experience of Government, but I had never been a “Superior” in my life, not even in a local community… I could easily feel my limits in everyday life: a certain personal insecurity, attachment to my image, desire to “do well,” not knowing how to manage my emotions properly, nor expressing myself very well when affected by them…, and I felt that there were other Sisters who could render this service better than I could.
However, during the Spiritual exercises that I experienced during the Pandemic, the “choice” was to “say yes” to the service that I now carry out, from the perspective of vulnerability, convinced that this is the type of leadership that religious life needs today.
Sr. Mª del Carmen Mora Sena, HCSA
Superior General of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Anne, Vice President of the Health Commission of the USG-UISG, (native of Seville, Spain), has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Seville (1988) and is a Specialist in Family and Community Medicine. She obtained a Master’s Degree in Bioethics from the Catholic University of Valencia.
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