

Project Pentecost: Vatican Media Internship and Invitation to Share Stories of Faith

Project Pentecost: Vatican Media Internship and Invitation to Share Stories of Faith



The Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See, in collaboration with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, announces new opportunities aimed at religious sisters as part of the Pentecost Project.


Specifically, interested women religious can apply by November 1st, 2024 for a 3-month training internship at the Vatican media in Rome, sending their Curriculum Vitae/Resume, along with a letter of motivation and a letter of recommendation from their Provincial or General Superior to sisters@spc.va

In addition, all women religious are invited to report on stories about women religious as witnesses of the “mighty works of God,” that can be shared through Vatican media. We are especially interested in stories about the good done to the most marginalized people. Please write to sisters@spc.va


For any further information, we invite you to visit the page of the website dedicated to the Pentecost Project.