

Sr Roxanne Schares, New Associate Executive Secretary

Sr Roxanne Schares, New Associate Executive Secretary



Sr Roxanne Schares, SSND begins her new ministry with UISG as an Associate Executive Secretary. She writes:
I am Sister Roxanne Schares, a member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
Recently, I completed my ministry as general superior of the congregation (2018-2024) and as a member of the Executive Board of UISG. In September 2021, I was appointed and continue to serve as a member of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

Originally from the United States with degrees in education and spirituality/theology, I ministered as a high school teacher for several years in the USA and then lived and ministered in East Africa for 27 years. During these years in Africa, I worked in the areas of education, initial and ongoing formation. For ten years, my ministry was with refugees in camps and urban settings in pastoral-social ministry and in education throughout Africa with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS).

From 2007 to 2015, I served in Rome as our congregation’s international coordinator for justice, peace, and integrity of creation, animating our International Shalom Network, connecting sisters, associates, and partners in mission in more than 30 countries. I had the wonderful opportunity of collaborating with a number of groups, including the USG/UISG JPIC Commission and Promoters, Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN), JRS, SEDOS, and Solidarity with South Sudan.

As I begin ministry as an Associate Executive Secretary, I am aware of and grateful for the enormous and invaluable contribution the UISG has made to women religious throughout the world over the years. I look forward to our ongoing efforts to deepen our global sisterhood, expand networking and collaboration, and witness to the charismatic identity of consecrated life. As we apostolic women religious journey together into the future may we nurture a hope that transforms us and our Church and world.

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