Registration open for Online e-Studium Course
Registration open for Online e-Studium Course
The Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life opens registration for the Online e-Studium Course, a training course in Magisterium, Canonical Norms and Practices of Consecrated Life directed to consecrated persons and lay people. The course, which has a tradition of more than 60 years, is taught entirely online with lectures in Italian and simultaneous translation into English and Spanish.
The educational program is divided into two complementary areas: The Interdisciplinary Area, which offers a theological, historical and liturgical study of consecrated life, offering an in-depth understanding of its ecclesial identity and significance.
The Canonical Norms and Praxis Area, on the other hand, which focuses on the legal aspects of consecrated life and presents the different forms of consecrated life recognized by the Church, highlighting their common foundation and canonical specificities. Particular attention is given to an in-depth study of current issues such as vocation discernment, formation, economic management of goods, mission and fraternal life.
To register, please visit the website www.e-studium.org.
For more information, contact us at the email address didattica@e-studium.org
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