

The Interconnection between Integral Ecology, Spirituality, Charism, Social and Environmental Justice: a call to hope and to act with creation

The Interconnection between Integral Ecology, Spirituality, Charism, Social and Environmental Justice: a call to hope and to act with creation


Webinar for Superiors General, Major Superiors and JPIC Promoters


Join inspiring webinar to animate communities to recognize the importance of charism and spirituality as motivators for social and environmental justice in the pursuit of integral ecology.



10 September 2024, 3pm-4.30pm (Rome time)



Religious Sector of the Laudato Si Platform, JPIC and Sowing Hope for the Planet



English, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese



Register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3922VKN


More information: jpicroma@gmail.com

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