Hope gives us the feeling and certainty that the future is something truly beautiful
As announced in recent weeks, the XXIII UISG Plenary Assembly will be held from 5 to 9 May 2025 in Rome at the Ergife Palace Hotel and the theme chosen is ‘Consecrated Life: a hope that transforms.'
We asked the sisters for a personal reflection on the theme of hope: what does ‘hope that transforms’ mean? How does hope transform the sisters' daily lives? What are their hopes related to the upcoming Assembly?
We share with you the testimony of Sr. Cecilia A. Espenilla, OP - Superior General of the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Philippines
What does “a hope that transforms” mean to me?
Hope in God, thru Jesus can transform me into a person with deep spirituality, John stated that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). We are filled with that hope that in Jesus we are following the only path to heaven, the only true measure of righteousness, and the source of both physical and spiritual life. Thus, hope gives us the feeling and the assurance that the future is indeed beautiful something to look forward to, with such joy and eagerness.
How does hope transforms my daily life - as a consecrated woman and/or Superior General?
The role and responsibilities of the Prioress General is not at all that easy, hence when we lost hope, it is almost giving up this position. Every day, I entrust everything to God, especially matters affecting the life and mission of the Sisters and the Congregation. It is this spirit of hope that inspires me that everything is in the hands of God, that I am just God’s instrument to fulfill His mission in the Church through the Congregation.
What are my hopes linked to the next UISG Plenary Assembly?
In the next UISG Plenary Assembly I hope for the following:
- That every day we will be seated with different set of Sisters, with language consideration of course, so that we get to know and connect more with Sisters from other Congregations.
- I would like to have as one of the topics holiness of life as the after effect of hope in the Almighty.
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