

Rediscovering Hope: Transformations in Consecrated Life

Rediscovering Hope: Transformations in Consecrated Life


As announced in recent weeks, the XXIII UISG Plenary Assembly will be held from 5 to 9 May 2025 in Rome at the Ergife Palace Hotel and the theme chosen is ‘Consecrated Life: a hope that transforms.'


We asked the sisters for a personal reflection on the theme of hope: what does ‘hope that transforms’ mean? How does hope transform the sisters' daily lives? What are their hopes related to the upcoming Assembly?


We share with you the testimony of Sr. Maria Dinh Thi Thu Ha - Superior General of the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of Tam Hiep, Vietnam



What does “a hope that transforms” mean to me? 

“A hope that transforms” implies a hope that centers on Jesus Christ, who transforms our brokenness, woundedness, and vulnerability into His Resurrection to give a new life to all. In this hope, we are confident in the work of the Spirit since “in God, all things are possible.”



How does hope transforms my daily life - as a consecrated woman and/or Superior General? 

This hope transforms my life in the way of

  • living fully in the present moment, 
  • seeing reality as it is,
  • listening to God, others, and creatures, and
  • maintaining life’s dimension of gratitude.


What are my hopes linked to the next UISG Plenary Assembly?

My hopes for the next UISG Plenary Assembly are:

  • (1) listening and discerning together the voice of the loving God in the VUCA world.
  • (2) supporting one another in training formators, offering new seminars on media technology (AI) and consecrated life via zoom.

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