

Transformative Hope: Empowering Change in Life and Leadership


As announced in recent weeks, the XXIII UISG Plenary Assembly will be held from 5 to 9 May 2025 in Rome at the Ergife Palace Hotel and the theme chosen is ‘Consecrated Life: a hope that transforms.'


We asked the sisters for a personal reflection on the theme of hope: what does ‘hope that transforms’ mean? How does hope transform the sisters' daily lives? What are their hopes related to the upcoming Assembly?


We share with you the testimony of Sr. Prisca Matenga – Superior General for the Congregation of the Daughters of the Redeemer, Zambia.



What does a hope that transforms mean to my life?

- It means feeling empowered to do something for myself and others. This enables me to create positive change in my life and the world.

- A hope that is transformative allows me to face adversity with resilience and courage. Instead of being stunned with challenges, I draw strength from what I believe in, that even in the darkest moments of my life, there is a greater good. I hand on, I do not give up.

- Transformative hope inspires me to take and make a difference. It motivates me to reach out to others, share my passion and vision for a better future and work together to bring out positive change.


How does hope transform my daily life as a consecrated woman or superior general?

- Finding courage to realize my dreams. Trust in God’s guidance and believing that it is possible to achieve these dreams. I take bold steps to achieve my goals.

- Embracing opportunities for personal growth. I accept failure and learn from my mistakes, hence improve my well-being and others.

- Inspiring others to be resilient and optimistic in life so that positive change is fostered. I view challenges as a means for my personal growth.


What are your hopes for the UISG?

• I hope that the meeting will provide an opportunity for networking and collaboration among different congregations. • Sharing good practices of managing resources as well as projects. • Celebrate unity and diversity by the mere fact that we are from different congregations that have different charisms. • How to become more relevant as religious women to the fast-growing high-tech world.

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