A Hope That Transforms: Reflections on Mission, Faith, and Sisterhood
A Hope That Transforms: Reflections on Mission, Faith, and Sisterhood
As announced in recent weeks, the XXIII UISG Plenary Assembly will be held from 5 to 9 May 2025 in Rome at the Ergife Palace Hotel and the theme chosen is ‘Consecrated Life: a hope that transforms.'
We asked the sisters for a personal reflection on the theme of hope: what does ‘hope that transforms’ mean? How does hope transform the sisters' daily lives? What are their hopes related to the upcoming Assembly?
Here is the testimony of Sr. Anne Carbon, ssc, Superior general of the congregation of Missionary Sisters of St. Columban
1. What does “a hope that transforms” mean to me?
Hope is holding on to something that gives a sense of purpose which eventually brings a profound change in the way we look at things.
For me, giving hope is our constant call and a daunting task for all of us wherever we are – a hope stemming from compassion.
My life as a missionary has taught me this especially when I was ushered into places, where I met and accompanied people who were treated unjustly, alienated by society and deprived of the basics in life.
On numerous instances, I realized that my presence and constancy were more than enough to complement and strengthen the peoples' resilient spirit in the face of adversity.
2. How does hope transform my daily life as a consecrated woman? As Superior General?
My own faith and life journey, coupled with my various missionary experiences, allowed me to see that everything is grace. We are living in a constantly changing reality, full of contrasts and often short - lived. I constantly experience the fidelity of God's faithfulness. From the foundation of my Congregation, the courage and faith of our early Sisters to completely trust and hope in the Divine providence of God were remarkable. God never failed them.
Today, this continues to be, for me, an inspiration for my own journey.
3. What are my hopes linked to the next UISG Plenary Assembly?
- To meet and continue the vitalizing conversations of support among us as we share together our common concerns in this very changing world and church context.
- To create a space for friendship and sisterhood among us so that we realize ever more deeply, that we are all interconnected and enriched by each other.
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Nous espérons à un être supérieur capable de nous redonner la joie de vivre, il y a des situations difficiles qui nous poussent à detester notre vie, mais quand on élève l’esprit vers Dieu, nous sommes apaiser, nous sommes nourris de la joie de vivre et proclamer la grandeur divine. L’espoir fait vivre .