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World Youth Day Global Race

World Youth Day Global Race


The article published on the official website of the World Youth Day Lisbon 2023


The World Youth Day (WYD) 2023 Foundation, in partnership with Move Sports and with the official sponsorship of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, will promote the second edition of the World Youth Day Global Race, a virtual race that will take place worldwide between October 20 and 23, 2022.


In an innovative way, the race challenges participants around the world to compete against each other by registering on the WYD Global Race platform or app. Through the symbolic donation of 4€, the World Youth Day Global Race will contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of WYD Lisbon 2023, by planting trees and reforesting areas that will be provided by Arouca Geopark – partner of this edition – and managed by GTI – Global Tree Initiative, a platform that allows you to register the planting of trees and select the cause to support (more about the WYD Lisbon 2023 partnership with GTI here).


The WYD Global Race will end on October 23, with several races organized in the various Diocesan Organizing Committees (CODs) in Portugal, helping to mobilize to this initiative those who prefer to meet the challenge with other participants.