Vatican News
II International Congress on Pastoral Care for the Elderly: A Step Towards the Future of the Church
II International Congress on Pastoral Care for the Elderly: A Step Towards the Future of the Church
The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life has been long committed to turn pastoral care for the elderly into an ordinary focus within every ecclesial community. Therefore, in the framework of the Jubilee Year, it will organize the Second International Congress on the Pastoral Care of the Elderly that will be held in Rome on 2-4 October 2025.
The event follows the Congress held in January 2020 under the theme “The Richness of Many Years of Life”, during which, for the first time, those responsible for the Conferences of Bishops and some lay associations and religious congregations had the opportunity to meet and discuss priorities and concrete ways to pastorally work with the elderly.
Marked by the COVID-19 pandemic – which severely affected the elderly population – the past years have also witnessed the establishment of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly in 2021, and the cycle of catechesis that the Holy Father dedicated to old age in 2022. Building up on all this, the Congress aims to provide the opportunity for a deep pastoral reflection on the world of the elderly, and to explore new ways forward for the future.
The agenda and the logistical details of the event are yet to be defined, but we invite you from now on to name one or two people from your Congregation who can participate, by registering them through the form available, possibly by 28 February 2025.
Sr Maria
looking forward to this session There is a great need to help our old people /old sisters.
Bonjour Alliance Simeon apporte en lien avec les soignants et l aumônerie une présence pastorale et spirituelle une fois par semaine. Chaque animateur pastoral et spirituel identifie les besoins des résidents de chaque Ehpad et propose des animations au travers une présence régulière. L animateur vient avec l Aumonier stimuler des partenariats afin que la personne âgée puisse vivre jusqu’au bout cette période de vieillissement comme une conversion toujours plus grande vers Dieu et une disponibilité à son amour. Les personnes âgées amènent paix et tendresse à notre monde. Ils nous aident à transformer nos regards Yvette OGIER 07 86 15 91 84
Marie Goretti HABIMANA
Ce congres est d'une importance capitale vu la vulnérabilité multiforme des personnes âgées