

October 1 at 6pm, Prayer Vigil in St. Peter's Square Presided Over by Pope Francis

October 1 at 6 p.m., Prayer Vigil in St. Peter's Square Presided Over by Pope Francis -



In preparation for the second session of the Synod of Bishops, scheduled from October 2 to 27, 2024, in Rome, the Catholic Church is preparing for a moment of profound reflection and prayer. 

The General Secretariat of the Synod in collaboration with the Diocese of Rome, along with the Union of Superiors General (USG) and the International Union of Superiors General (UISG), has announced a prayer vigil on October 1 at 6 PM in St. Peter's Square, presided over by Pope Francis.

This event, open to all the faithful but with a special focus on young people, marks a key moment in the synodal journey that began in 2021. The vigil will not only be a time of prayer but also an opportunity to acknowledge past mistakes and seek forgiveness.

During the ceremony, three testimonies of people who have suffered because of sins committed within the Church will be presented. This will be followed by a public confession for various types of sin, not with the intent to accuse others, but to acknowledge collective responsibility for the suffering inflicted on the innocent and helpless.

The culmination of the vigil will be a request for forgiveness that Pope Francis will make, on behalf of all Christians, to God and to the whole of humanity. This gesture underscores the importance of reconciliation and renewal in the synodal journey.

The Adsumus prayer, which has accompanied the synodal journey since its inception, will continue to guide the faithful in this moment of collective reflection.

This event represents a significant step toward the renewal of the Church, emphasizing the importance of the active participation of all the faithful, especially young people, in the process of change and in proclaiming the Gospel through a credible witness.
The October 1 prayer vigil promises to be a key moment for the Catholic Church, setting the stage for the important discussions and decisions that will follow during the synod session in October. 



May God bless all plans for the salvation of souls



May God bless all plans for the salvation of souls



Thank you for the information. I would like to join you.


Franca Littarru

Grazie dell'appello ad unirci a questa preghiera il 1 ottobre


Beatriz Elena

Gracias por esta oportunidad


eileen davey

I hope I cn find it on utube. I will try this week before the first. This is a wonderful opening for part 2 of the Synod. Thank you Peace, Sr. Eileen


Sr. Lucy Thorson NDS

I wish to participate in this Synodal process!



Gracias por compartir este material, que remarca el acontecimiento universal de la Iglesia en esta experiencia Sinodal. Aprovecharemos esta oportunidad para seguirlos acompañando con nuestras oraciones en comunión de grupos de jóvenes de nuestro pías Perú en la Selva, donde nace el río Ucayali.


M, Magdalena Aguilo Aguilo

será un momento muy especial



Me parece muy interesante, espero más noticias


Mary Ann Cook, SNDdeN

I hope to participate through U-Tube. Thank you!


Patricia Heath

I am praying with and for Pope Francis and for our Church that the synodal process will be accepted and used with frequency. I will try to attend this prayer experience.


Sr..Ma. Zeniga M Tillo OP

We will join the prayer vigil..


Roselle Santivasi

United with the universal church and humanity


Sr. Dianne McKenna

In gratitude for this opportunity- is there a link for streaming?


Veronica Roche

Looking forward to being a part of this.


ena Quinlan

Many thanks,Praise God for all we have received. Kindly forward link for October


ena Quinlan

Many thanks,Praise God for all we have received. Kindly forward link for October


Carmela Trujillo

Thank you, for uniting the Catholic world


M.Eugenia Hueto

Apreciamos mucho este oración porque nos sentimos comprometidas con la Iglesia


Sr. Maria das Dores Paz

Ringrazio questa opportunità di stare con Papa Francesco in questa occasione importante per la vita della Chiesa e del suo popolo. Cordialmente: Sr. Dores


Suor M. Viviana Ballarin

Grazie per l'iniziativa! Non vivendo a Roma non potrò partecipare di presenza, ma seguirò l'evento attraverso i social e con tanta comunione. Grazie!!



Thank you.


Brigid Baumann

It is in communal that we all open ourselves to healing.


Shirley Mcnamara

I may already have registered!


Genny dumay

I.like to.join. thanks


Maria Altagracia Ortiz Mena

Es un gesto y momento importante este el que viviremos como Iglesia. Desde aquí estaré especialmente unida en esta vigilia de reconciliación y renovación dentro del camino sinodal.


Rose-Anne Rousseau

je veux m'inscrire à cette activité





H. Azucena Cisneros de España

Desde nuestras Comunidades nos uniremos la VIGILIA DE ORACIÓN, presidida por el Papa Francisco. Oremos en UNIDAD y crezcamos en AMOR. Muchas gracias a todos los organizadores y los que trabajan por hacer que este SINODO ECLESIAL sea una fuente de fortaleza y renovación. Bendiciones de corazón.


Ruth E Westmoreland

I would like to receive the link to participate in this service on line. It is so needed and so appreciated.


Pierrette Bertrand

Un moment pénitentiel bien significatif au début d'une démarche où toutes et tous doivent reconnaitre leur faute devant Dieu, devant l'Église et le Peuple de Dieu avant d'entreprendre les discussions et les décisions qui suivront. Merci de nous y associer à 6 500 000 kilomètres de distance


Sarah Sirois

Joining with Congregations of St Joseph of Lyon Sisters - Maine USA Sector

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