
Vatican News

Registrations Open for the Jubilee of Consecrated Life

Registrations Open for the Jubilee of Consecrated Life


Registrations Officially Open for the Jubilee of Consecrated Life, to Be Held in Rome from October 8 to 12, 2025


Who is invited to participate?


All consecrated men and women, in the various forms of consecrated life, are invited to take part in this jubilee event: religious brothers and sisters, contemplative monks and nuns, members of secular institutes, those belonging to the Ordo Virginum, hermits, as well as members of new institutes and emerging realities in consecrated life.

This will be a unique opportunity for encounter, prayer, and reflection on the beauty of the call to consecration.

To attend the event, a double registration is required, as the different days will be organized by different Dicasteries.


October 8-9, 2025 | Events organized by the Dicastery for Evangelization and the Dicastery for Consecrated Life

On the first two days of the Jubilee, October 8 and 9, the meetings will be jointly promoted by the Dicastery for Evangelization and the Dicastery for Consecrated Life.



October 10-12, 2025 | Events organized by the Dicastery for Consecrated Life

From October 10 to 12, 2025, the Dicastery for Consecrated Life will coordinate events dedicated to the celebration and reflection on consecrated life.



Don't miss this special occasion of communion and renewal for the entire consecrated life!



Juedie Elismat

Intéressée à participer à la rencontre.


Faustina Ruiz collazos

Sara' una grande gioia participare a questo giubileo un'anno di grazia.


Sungjoo Hong



Sônia de Fátima Batagin

Sono religiosa Suore di Gesu Buon Pastore del consiglio geral, brasileira, e atualmente sto in Albânia, a Scrutari per aiutare a evaluare la area missionária ,sono contenta de potere participare de questo evento


Sr Monique Essouama Kabore

J'aimerai participer au jubile de la vie Consacrée a Rome. Grande sera ma joie de pouvoir y être. Tout en espérant une suite favorable , veuillez recevoir mes salutations fraternelles. Sr Monique Essouama Kabore



Querriasaber si se va a hacer on line


Luz Helena Jimenez

Muchas gracias por la información.Envio mis datos para la inscripción Atentamente Luz Helena


María del Carmen González Reyes

que gracia tan grande este encuentro de Jubileo de la Vida Consagrada..Unidos en oración por llegar a ser verdaderamente "Peregrinos de la esperanza en el camino de la paz"



Je voudrais bien célébrer ce jubilé de la vie consacrée, don de Dieu à son Église.


St Lucy Thorson NDS

Great initiative!


nakitende angela

eager to learn something from the jubilee

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