

XI World Day of Prayer and Reflection Against Human Trafficking: "Ambassadors of Hope"

XI World Day of Prayer and Reflection Against Human Trafficking: "Ambassadors of Hope"


On February 8, 2025, the 11th edition of the World Day of Prayer and Reflection Against Human Trafficking will be celebrated, an initiative promoted by Pope Francis. The theme chosen for this year is "Ambassadors of Hope: Together Against Human Trafficking", in line with the Pope’s invitation to be "pilgrims of peace and apostles of hope," and in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee.

This day, celebrated annually on February 8th since 2015, offers an opportunity to pray and reflect collectively on the issues of human trafficking and modern-day slavery, supporting victims, survivors, and vulnerable populations, particularly women, children, migrants, and refugees.

From February 4 to 10, 2025, over 100 representatives from local and international organizations, including young people, activists, survivors, and personalities from the arts and film industries, will gather in Rome to promote a message of hope, peace, and unity. The initiative aims to raise awareness and create systemic change to combat human trafficking and other forms of modern-day slavery.

For more information, read the document.


Download the prayer vigil here.



Come suora del Buon Pastore aderisco pienamente ad ogni iniziativa, che dia dignità alla persona


Fualosa Enele

Thank you for sending this message and we support them in our prayers 🙏


Sister Francisca Aguillon

Thank you for the information and invitations for webinar. Many blessings to all, Sr. Francisca