Sharing from the Synod Assembly 2023
Sharing from the Synod Assembly 2023
Online events
The Synod Assembly 2023 has been a momentous event, marked by thoughtful reflections, vibrant discussions, and a shared commitment to charting the course for the future of the Church.
As we look back on this transformative experience, we invite you to join us for a two-part series, 6 and 13 December.
During the first session, the delegates of the UISG at the 2023 Synod will share their synodal experiences.
As for the second session, it will be dedicated to a thorough reflection on the Synthesis Report of the Synod and discussions on its implications.
Link to register: https://bit.ly/sharing_synod
Languages: English, Italian, Spanish, and French
Part One - Experiences from the Synod Assembly
December 6, from 2pm to 4pm Rome Time
The first session on will offer:
- Information about the Synod Assembly as a whole
- Sharing from each of the UISG Synod Delegates about different aspects of the experience.
- Discussion in small groups, following the methodology of conversation in the Spirit
- Mary Barron, OLA – UISG President
- Patricia Murray, IBVM - Executive Secretary, UISG
- Elizabeth Mary Davis, RSM
- Elysée Izerimana, Op.SDN
- Maria Nirmalini, A.C.
Part Two - Insights from the Synthesis Report of the Synod
December 13, from 2pm to 4pm Rome Time
The second session will offer:
- Overview of the document from this stage of the Synod: “A Synodal Church in Mission: Synthesis Report”
- Reflection on the call to missionary discipleship which the Synod and Synod document invite in church and society.
- Conversation
- Anna Rowlands, PhD, Durham University; Consultant to the Synod of Bishops
- Giacomo Costa, SJ, President of Fondazione Culturale San Fedele di Milano; Special Secretary for the Synod of Bishops
Maria Cimperman, RSCJ - UISG Synodality Initiative Coordinator
In preparation for this session, we invite you to read the Synod 2023 document, “A Synodal Church in Mission: Synthesis Report”