

Fifty Years since the Publication of Paul VI's Apostolic Exhortation "Marialis Cultus"

Fifty Years since the Publication of Paul VI's Apostolic Exhortation "Marialis Cultus"



Day of Study


The Italian Interdisciplinary Mariological Association (AMI), in collaboration with the International Union of Superiors General (UISG), is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the publication of Paul VI's Apostolic Exhortation "Marialis cultus" which occurred on February 2, 1974. This event aims to capture the legacy of the exhortation, focus on its most important aspects and become a place for reflection and dialogue.


DATE: September 28, 2024 from 9am to 1pm

VENUE: The study day will be held at the UISG Headquarters in Rome, Piazza di Ponte Sant'Angelo 28- and ONLINE

REGISTRATION:  https://uisg.net/28092024

Registration is due by September 14, 2024


More information: ami.associazione@outlook.it


Moderator: Vincenzo BATTAGLIA



  • 9:00 Greetings - Antonio ESCUDERO
  • 9:15 The text and context, meaning and purpose of Marialis cultus - Alberto VALENTINI
  • 10:00 The reception of Marialis cultus: auditus temporis and auditus culturae - Maria Cecilia VISENTIN
  • 10:45 Break
  • 11:15 The acquisitions and encouragements of the "Marialis cultus," prophecy for today - Denis KULANDAISAMY
  • 12:00 Debate
  • 12:45 Conclusions - Clara AIOSA
  • 13:00 Presentation of the AMI web page
  • 13:30 Buffet