Alzheimer’s Global Initiative
Cognitive Impairment-Alzheimer’s Global Initiative
Launch of the Catholic Sisters Cognitive Impairment/
Alzheimer’s Global Initiative and the Catholic Sisters Aging Initiative
May 9, 2022: 2:00-4:00 pm (Rome)
Sr Jolanta Kafka, RMI started the session by addressing the sisters: Spiritual, financing, and structural support to the elderly sisters is needed as congregations look after many elderly sisters facing complex challenges.
Sr. Jane Wakahiu, LSOSF, stated that the Conrad N Hilton, following the will of their founder, wants to support the beloved sisters who once cared for so many people. Her words helped us to become more aware that our elderly sisters are a blessing, a source of inspiration, wisdom, and fidelity. On their shoulders, we stand.
Sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM moderated the session and gave the floor to Sr. M. Peter Lillian Di Maria, O.C., who wisely explained the need of education to rise to the challenge of caring for the elderly knowing to diagnose the different symptoms. We also need, she explained, to continually assess the sisters' evolution, and train the carers to give the proper support. Although old age will bring many unexpected realities and loss of capacities, we can help our well-being with prevention: a good diet, reduction of stress, robust purposes in life, engaging in meaningful social interaction, and cherishing a deep spirituality.
Sr Carol Zinn, SSJ, and Marian Beems followed, took into account the differences between cultures and congregations, alongside the essential competency to face this reality. One of the aims is to build a network of competent sisters who have expertise in this matter across the different continents.
Fr. Tom Gaunt, SJ, from CARA, shared the results of the last survey done with the sisters on this matter and will continue to collect more data that will help channel the funds wisely.
So, the journey has begun: we look into the present to answer the challenges emerging in this field. Planning is essential, and one of the ways forward is the inter-congregational dialogue and collaboration on these matters.
We look forward to the unfolding of these two initiatives that will provide hope for the elderly sisters and their congregations.
To watch the recordings of the previous webinars, click here
To see the photos, click here
To learn more about this project: alzheimersinitiative@uisg.org