

The Anna Trust Launches Its Website: A New Global Platform for Catholic Sisters' Elder Care

The Anna Trust Launches Its Website: A New Global Platform for Catholic Sisters' Elder Care


With support from the Catholic Sisters initiative of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation in the United States, a new Catholic foundation, The Anna Trust for Catholic sisters' elder care, headquartered in Rome, has launched its website:  www.annatrustfoundation.org.

The founding organizations are: The International Union of Superiors General (UISG) and four religious congregations – the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostoles, the Congregation of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood and the Sisters of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo.

The Anna Trust is the first ever to focus on ensuring dignity in aging for Catholic sisters globally, with an intercultural approach that reflects the diversity of sisters and their communities around the world.


Institutes of Catholic sisters are aging, with few financial or health resources to support their elderly members. This is not just a phenomenon in the U.S. and Europe. Research by the Georgetown University Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate estimates that some 30% of Catholic sisters in Kenya and Zambia and half of Catholic sisters in Mexico are over the age of 60.

The Anna Trust will engage in innovative grantmaking and education programs globally. These will focus on develop effective and financeable approaches to Catholic sisters' elder care as well as the creation of caregiving skills among sisters themselves.


The Anna Trust Board is comprised of sisters and laity with expertise in elder care, dementia, and education. The Board is co-chaired by Sister Patricia Murray, ibvm, D. Min., Executive Secretary of the International Union of Superiors General in Rome and Sr. Teresa Maya, CCVI, PhD, Senior Director for Theology and Sponsorship of the Catholic Health Association of the United States.



Sister Patricia Murray remarks that “Creation of The Anna Trust plants a global exclamation point on the importance of guaranteeing dignity as sisters age.  It also underscores the broader commitment of the Church and of consecrated life to the elderly in an aging world.”  

Sr. Teresa Maya comments that “The Anna Trust is well named, it is not just a “Trust” financially, it is an expression of the trust that elderly sisters, especially in vulnerable settings, can have in the global sisterhood.

The Anna Trust will be led by Executive Director Susan Raymond, Ph.D. who has led the creating and funding of Third Sector nonprofits and foundations globally.  She is also widely published on the health system and finance issues associated with global demographic aging.  “We have taken the first steps on a long road,” she noted. “The Anna Trust is focused on solutions that will ensure dignity for elderly sisters who have given their lives to the poor.  It is our sacred trust to give back to them our very best efforts to protect their futures and the future of all elderly persons.”

Contact: chair@annatrustfoundation.org



Frances Slater

This is a true response to the cry of our own poor. Many sisters have worked without a wage and need support now.


Michele Shipperley

I chair the Josephite Eldering Team in Sydney Australia. I am thrilled that The Anna Trust will provide expertise and resources for such a worthy cause. I look forward to following your lead.


sr. Chandani HF

Very timely initiative. Congratulations! I have first hand experience as the provincial , the financial difficulty in caring for the elderly sisters.


Colleen Woodcock

Interested in hearing of your efforts re support & care of our age-ing sisters. Great news. Thank you.


Elvira Zanini

Grazie di questa iniziativa. E' un passo importante, anche per tenerci collegate in questo cammino che riguarda tutte noi, la chiesa, la sua missione


suor Rita Boni

E' un progetto molto bello e urgente. Le sorelle anziane che hanno dato la vita per la congregazione e la chiesa non possono essere definite oggi un problema. E' necessario trovare percorsi e soluzioni dignitose per tutti. Grazie di questa iniziativa


Shaji Fernandez

I have been working with the Non Profits of the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco for the past 33 years as Project Officer. I have seen wonderfully committed sisters dedicate their lives of the poor vulnerable women youth and children. Number of them are old and retired now, and I still visit some of them. It is heartening to know that a new trust is formed for the holistic welfare of the elderly sisters. I would say, it is a very meaningful and needy act and a much relieving news for all of us who are working with the sisters. Some of the elderly sisters still wish to do ministries they can, and be active in the church. We need to help them do that. They need support, care, comfort and prayers to spend the evening of life peacefully. Congrats to the UISG, Hilton Fund for Sisters and the respective congregations involved in it.



Sono molto felice di questa iniziativa. Personalmente sono responsabile di una cinquantina di Suore anziane e ogni iniziativa per aiutarle in questa delicata e bellissima fase della vita è la benvenuta. Sono interessata a conoscere approfondimenti, iniziative, suggerimenti per potermi arricchire e offrire, di conseguenza, un buon servizio a chi vive con me. Grazie, un cordiale saluto


Purity Wawira Ireri

This is a great initiative respond in real time to the needs of aging Sisters globally. We pray and trust that the Anna Trust will bring smile to many Sisters. We hope it will focusing as well in assisting the younger groups of religious to prepare well on care for their aging senior members. We are grateful to God for the initiative and we give a joyful applause to the brains that has brought this into birth. May God bless the Anna Trust



Congratulations for this divine inspiration to care for our elderly sisters worldwide who despite their aging and frailty, have contributed to the beauty of religious life and for what it stands for in all ages. My institute is grateful to the founding congregations of the Anna Trust Fund, and what a lovely name of the Mother of Mary our Immaculate Mother. God bless you all.



Thanks for this initiative.


sr Maria Giampiccolo

sono davvero grata al Signore per questa fondazione


Masera Anna Maria

Benvenuta Fondazione Anna! Mi chiamo Gianna Masera - Anna Maria, sono italiana, ho ottantadue anni e sono una suora della Congregazione Domenicane St Tommaso d'Aquino con sede a Torino, via U. Cosmo n.15. Sono missionaria nella République Centrafricaine, a Bangui dall'anno 1991. Nella congrégation siamo 78 suore tutte dai 60 anni in là eccetto una suora di voti perpetui centrafricana; due novizie al secondo anno e una postulante al primo anno, tutte centrafricane, per un totale di 81 membri, in questo giorno. Abbiamo ancora la possibilità d'accogliere le più anziane e malate in une struttura infermieristica, in un convento, con del personale esterno. C'é in generale molto attenzione ai bisogni di tutte ma manca forse la cura della relazione si sente il bisogno di un approcio psicologico/psichiatrico, dell''accompagnamento individuale specialemente nelle comunità i cui membri sono ridotti a 2-3-4 persone anziane. Attendo con interesse ogni vostra parola mentre apprezzo il vostro intervento per una vera vita religiosa nel mondo intero. suor Masera Gianna (Anna Maria).


Sr Liviana Trambajoli

Progettare soluzioni che garantiscono di vivere la vita religiosa nella stagione della vita dove le sorelle sono particolarmente fragili e vulnerabili non è solo doveroso verso di loro, ma è indispensabile per tutti i membri della comunità delle consacrate, per ciascuna di noi, per ritrovare l'essenzialita della nostra consacrazione. Le sorelle anziane ci rimandano all'eterna domanda: "cosa resta? Il nostro fare? Le parole dette? O resta la gioa di una Relazione Essenziale con Dio e con i fratelli per continuare a trovare il senso dell'esistere e dell'amare in ogni stagione della vita?


Maria Teresa Ronchi

Considero l'iniziativa una vera Benedizione! Se ne sentiva la mancanza. E' un bellissimo impegno quello di Anna Trust e ancor di più la motivazione di fondo: "...trovare soluzioni per garantire dignità alle suore anziane che hanno dedicato la loro vita ai poveri." "È un dovere sacro offrire loro i nostri migliori sforzi per proteggere il loro futuro e quello di tutti gli anziani." Grazie di cuore.


lise paquette

Thank you for daring such a compassionate undertaking in gratitude and respect for the elderly. We need our elderly to continue leading us forward in Hope. St Lise Paquette, Presentation of Mary


Kathleen Bryant

What a wonderful initiative. God bless Conrad Hilton and his ongoing care for Sisters. Blessings on the Susan, Teresa Maya And Pat Murray. Truly, we are all sisters.


Sr. Beatrice Khasalamwa

iam very excited and gratefull to all who have come up with such a fund for our senior sisters. May this bring hope and joy to our elderly sisters


sr. Aurora Malandrino

Ottima l'idea di questa iniziativa. Il rispetto che si deve a una persona che ha donato la vita per per il Regno di Dio e a servizio del prossimo è frutto di una grande sensibilità spirituale. Grazie!


sr. Donata Pacini

ottimo! auguro successo a questa iniziativa che interessa molto alle nostre congregazioni che stanno invecchiando. Teneteci informate delle vostre iniziative God bless you sr. Donata Pacini, Missionaria Comboniana


mariannina marotta

Sono contenta di questa iniziativa. Sono convinta che gli anziani, oggi più che mai, sono bisognosi di aiuto e di comprensione nonché di amore compassionevole. Grazie. Sr Stella Marotta


franca littarru

Grazie per questa iniziativa. Che noi suore anziane possiamo crescere in dignità e nell'amicizia con Gesù: io diminuisco e Lui cresce in me


emelinda falsis

This is a good initiative. I hope to be invited to your seminars if there would be.


Marilina Colella

Progetto degno di lode!


Suor Sibomana Consolate

È un progetto splendido! Coraggio!


Ursula Sharpe

Thank you for this new initiative. I have lived/ worked in Uganda and Malawi and have seen the poverty in which some of our elderly indigenous sisters live. And as you rightly say, haven given their lives to the care of the poor and vulnerable and now end up so themselves. Blessings on this initiative.


Veronica Blake, SMR

As a member of a Region with only seven sisters all over 80 which will come to fulfillment with the death of the last sister, I was so happy to read about the Anna Trust. It has only been in the last few years that our General level leadership was able to find some form of health insurance for our sisters in Latin America; I am not sure if our sisters in Africa are also covered. As a former RN, social worker, director of our first health care unit in the US and Region leadership member or councillor for many years, I am very aware of the need to afford all sisters safe and good elder care. Thank you to all who started the Anna Trust.



Bellissima iniziativa, vi seguiremo senz'altro!


Meera Rgs

It is a very good initiative and thoughtful of the aging sisters very often they do not have the care they aught to receive.


Evelyn Fergus

I think this is a wonderful initiative !!!


Carmela Trujillo

I am very interested in reading and follow-up on this publication. thank you to Conrad Hilton for supporing this endeavor.


Sr. Innamma Yeruva

Delighted to know the launching of the website. Congratulations to all the persons responsibile. A dream fulfilled at last. I wish all the best to the Executuve team and implore Gods blessings upon that long farsighted project may bear good and enduring fruit. May the elderly sisters find a trusting Home to live a dignified life in the evening of their life. Prasie God for such a bold venture.


Sr. Lauretta Gianesin

Vi sono molto grata per questa grande iniziativa, un prezioso aiuto soprattutto per quante di noi si dedicano alla cura delle loro sorelle anziane e malate. Grazie!


Sr. Carmela Omandam, ocd

Very beautiful! Thank you!


Irmã Ivone Wiest

Sono molto grato per questa lodevole iniziativa a favore delle suore anziane, bisognose di maggiore cure. Sr. Ivone



Sono molto contenta di questa opportunità che verrà data alle congregazione con suore molto anziane, con tutte le problematiche che comporta.Grazie



Congratulations ❤️ to UUSG for setting up THE ANNA TRUST. In India too, several congregations have a large number of ageing members of 75+ with little or no caring skills provided for them. I certainly look forward to a brighter future for our elderly members. Thsnk you. .


Lambo Célestine

This is a gracefilled project that will also help us in the South hemisphere in the way we can offer propre care to our elderly sisters. May God bless this wonderful and inspiring way of living concretly the Gospel !