Communicating Religious life: Towards the future. More professionally and in synergy with leaders
Communicating Religious life: Towards the future. More professionally and in synergy with leaders
Rome, 30 November 2023 - "Communicating Religious Life: Towards the Future". This is the title of the concluding event of the First International Meeting for the Communication of Religious Life to be held online and in person, in Rome, at the headquarters of the UISG, in Piazza di Ponte Sant'Angelo 28, on Monday 4 December 2023, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Rome time).
The event, which will see the participation of women communicators of religious life, heads of communication offices within congregations, superiors general of women's congregations, journalists and communication experts, will close the week of online events that the UISG - from 27 to 30 November - has dedicated to communication.
The three objectives of the week of events were:
The training days were attended by an average of more than 200 communicators of religious life, for each of the 13 workshops, from all 5 continents. The sessions were devoted to topics such as initial formation and digital culture, digital discernment, organizing communication offices, creating strategic communication plans and creating digital content.
During the event on 4 December, - with simultaneous translations in English, Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese - the publication, "Sisters Communicate", will be officially presented. It contains the results of a survey conducted by the UISG Communications Office on a sample of more than 300 women's congregations on the reality of communication.
The presentation of this text represents the beating heart of the event since, as is pointed out from the very first pages of the volume, "there is nothing available on the communication of women's religious life: neither studies nor publications; the exception are a few theses in pontifical universities, the fruit of the personal initiative of women religious. Nothing structured and institutional".
Another central moment of the day will be the presentation of the Declaration 'Together for an effective and Evangelical digital communication: a commitment for the coming years': a decalogue of commitments, chosen by the women communicators, for a more professional digital communication in religious life.
We present below some data on participation in the International Meeting on Communication in Religious Life.
- People who participated in the workshops in the 13 training workshops: 950 people
- People who participated in the round tables: 865 people
- Roles held by participants:
- 21, 7% Communication managers at general level
- 21% Communication team members
- 11.4% Leaders
"Sisters Communicate is an observation and a desire at the same time. The data from the questionnaires make it clear that the reality of the Congregations is to "keep up with the times", with full awareness that formation at all levels is a key element in order to be an evangelical presence in the digital world.
Rather than a reality we can call it a desire because we are aware of the journey ahead of us and the challenges we will have to face. One of these is to dare and make sure that 'outgoing' communication knows how to speak and dialogue with everyone and that it is a communication so effective that it goes beyond the confines of the small circle of those who know us. The main challenge is to be communicative with the world and in the world." - from the conclusion of the publication 'Sisters Communicate'.
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Sr Daisy Rose Peenikaparamban OP
A million thanks for this important presentation, thanks to all the organizers of UISG, the presenters, all the translators, and everyone who shared their knowledge on this workshop. Congrats Patrizia for your dedication and to every person who made these days impressive, challenging but interesting.