Meeting for new Superiors and General Councils
Meeting for new Superiors and General Councils
On its traditional yearly basis, the UISG has been organizing a meeting for new Superiors and General Councils, not only to describe the Union and its projects for them, but above all to welcome all Superiors into the UISG Family.
31 Congregations registered, with a total of 111 sisters (78 of whom participated online, whereas the remaining 33 took part in the event in UISG’s offices).
Sister Nadia Coppa, asc, current UISG President, welcomed the sisters with a few words of welcome: "Welcome sisters, do feel at home! The opportunity of accompanying congregations is a gift. UISG wants to be a space and a place where we can share, train, gather information and support each other: this is a blessing for all of us. The intercultural dimension of UISG helps congregations to develop a broader vision."

Sister Patricia Murray, ibvm, UISG Secretary, described the structure, organization and projects of the Union:
"On December 8th, 1965, on the last day of the Second Vatican Council, the founding decree of the International Union of Superiors General was signed. In 2015, we celebrated our first 50 years of work. Our projects are a response to the most urgent needs worldwide and, to some extent, to what Pope Francis calls us as religious life. Most of our projects are aimed at strengthening inter-congregationality and collaboration with USG, the Union of Superiors General, as well as other Church organizations."
Sr Pat emphasizes the importance of collaborating with USG: the two general councils meet twice a year, together with the Congregation for Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. Thematic commissions are just another example of a shared mission: health, education, interreligious dialogue, justice, peace, and integrity of creation.
The projects described are the following: Talitha Kum, against human trafficking; Sowing Hope for the Planet, on Integral Ecology; Catholic Care for Children, for the promotion of the family model for the care of children; the Advocacy Project, for the training and collaboration of sisters, working in the field of social change; the Migrants Project, developing in Sicily and on an international level.

Sr Nadia shared and offered some thoughts for reflection, focusing on four areas:
1. Embracing vulnerability
Our last Assembly was an opportunity for deep listening. We deepened together the analysis of the most significant challenges for religious life today. We had the courage to tell each other about our personal and institutional shortcomings and weaknesses, in atmosphere of mutual vulnerability.
The verb “embrace” is an invitation to be welcoming, to reach out and embrace the wounds that we find in ourselves and in our communities.
2. Synodality, the nature of religious life
No synodality can ever take place, without listening. The word “dialogue” conveys the idea of 'thinking/talking together'. A leader of change is a leader who strongly focuses on discernment and on the spirituality of care, as opposed to the culture of abuse.
3. Leadership in progress
We probably need a new way of expressing the newness that we already feel flourishing in us. In the service of authority, the one and true power lies in the service itself. It takes an intense inner life and cultural deepening to broaden horizons. The leader we need is one who fosters dynamics of synodality.
4. Vision of the Executive Committee for the three-year period 2022-2025
We wish to continue promoting UISG projects, increasingly involving congregations.
We wish to strengthen the network of Superiors, by fostering dialogue and listening.
We wish to continue fostering collaboration with USG.
We wish to care for communication, to grow in communion inside and outside UISG.
"Never do alone what we can do together", this is Sr Pat’s encouragement for us.
The video recording of the meeting is available for Superiors General in the reserved area.
UISG Communication Office
Hola soy la superiora general de la Hijas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús con sede en Guadalajara Jalisco México. y deseo saber cuando será el encuentro de nuevas superioras generales. Quisiera inscribirme en línea, Gracias
Sister Barbara McMullen, CDP
Our new leadership team enjoyed and benefited from this presentation. As a new general superior I especially appreciated hearing all the things UISG does and is doing for leaders. Collaboration is so important, as is dialogue. Thank you for offering this zoom meeting.
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