

New General Council of the Missionaries of the Immaculate - PIME

New General Council of the Missionaries of the Immaculate - PIME


Since September 8, 2024, the XII General Chapter of the Missionaries of the Immaculate has been taking place, an event of great significance for the religious community, centered around the theme “Living the Gospel as an apostolic body in fraternal and mutual obedience.

The Chapter is held at the International Center for Spirituality Sacred Heart of Jesus in Rocca di Papa, a location that provides an environment of reflection and prayer for the participants.


On September 23 and 24, 2024, during the working sessions, the new General Council was elected for the upcoming six-year term. The sisters who will make up the new Council are:

  •     Sr. Antonella Tovaglieri - General Responsible
  •     Sr. Annamaria Panza - General Councilor
  •     Sr. Suzanne Djebba - General Councilor
  •     Sr. Francina Soosai Britto - General Councilor
  •     Sr. Maria Elena Boracchi - General Councilor

The Missionaries of the Immaculate express immense gratitude to the outgoing General Directorate, recognizing the valuable work accomplished in the past. They thank God for the willingness of the new sisters, ready to serve the Institute with dedication and commitment over the next six years.

This new beginning represents a moment of renewal and hope for the community, which continues to strive to live the Gospel authentically and fraternally.

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