

Plenary: Anne Falola

UISG Plenary Speaker: Anne Falola




Anne Falola, ola, is invited to participate in the Plenary Assembly as a speaker and special guest.


She will present a reflection on the Experiences of the Vulnerability as a Missionary

"Vulnerability is a fundamental quality of every authentic Christian mission, because we are called to follow Christ"


Who is Sister Anne Falola?


Anne Falola is a missionary Sister of Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) from Nigeria, West Africa. 
She has a Bachelor in Education and Counselling from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and a Masters in Christian Spirituality from, Heythrop College, University of London. 
She is the currently the President of the Association of Africans and Malagasies at the Service of the Generalates (AMSG) in Rome.

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