Sr Roxanne Schares, nouvelle secrétaire exécutive adjointe
Sr Roxanne Schares, nouvelle secrétaire exécutive adjointe
Sr Roxanne Schares, SSND, commence son nouveau ministère à l'UISG en tant que secrétaire exécutive adjointe.
Voici sa déclaration :
Je suis Sœur Roxanne Schares, membre des School Sisters of Notre Dame. Récemment, j'ai terminé mon ministère en tant que supérieure générale de la congrégation (2018-2024) et en tant que membre du Conseil exécutif de l'UISG. En septembre 2021, j'ai été nommée membre du Dicastère pour les instituts de vie consacrée et les sociétés de vie apostolique, et je continue à le servir.
Originaire des États-Unis et diplômée en éducation et en spiritualité/théologie, j'ai exercé mon ministère en tant qu'enseignante dans un lycée pendant plusieurs années aux États-Unis, puis j'ai vécu et exercé mon ministère en Afrique de l'Est pendant 27 ans. Pendant ces années en Afrique, j'ai travaillé dans les domaines de l'éducation, de la formation initiale et de la formation continue. Pendant dix ans, j'ai exercé mon ministère auprès des réfugiés dans les camps et en milieu urbain, dans le cadre de la pastorale sociale et de l'éducation, dans toute l'Afrique, avec le Service Jésuite des Réfugiés (JRS).
De 2007 à 2015, j'ai servi à Rome en tant que coordinatrice internationale de notre congrégation pour la justice, la paix et l'intégrité de la création, animant notre réseau international Shalom, qui relie des sœurs, des associés et des partenaires en mission dans plus de 30 pays. J'ai eu la merveilleuse opportunité de collaborer avec un certain nombre de groupes, dont la Commission JPIC et les Promoteurs de l'USG/UISG, le Réseau Foi et Justice Afrique Europe (AEFJN), le JRS, SEDOS, et Solidarité avec le Sud Soudan.
Alors que j'entame mon ministère en tant que Secrétaire exécutif associé, je suis conscient et reconnaissant de l'énorme et inestimable contribution que l'UISG a apportée aux femmes religieuses du monde entier au fil des ans. Je me réjouis de nos efforts continus pour approfondir notre fraternité mondiale, développer le travail en réseau et la collaboration, et témoigner de l'identité charismatique de la vie consacrée. Alors que nous, femmes religieuses apostoliques, cheminons ensemble vers l'avenir, puissions-nous nourrir une espérance qui nous transforme, ainsi que notre Église et notre monde.
Rosana Lazaga
Dearest Sr. Roxanne, thank you for your generosity in accepting this ministry. Thank you for the wonderful vision for UISG "to deepen our global sisterhood, expand networking and collaboration, and witness to the charismatic identity of consecrated life". God bless you and the team in UISG.
Sr. Walburga Ballhausen CPS
Dear Roxanne, congratulations and God- abundant blessing to your new ministry as an Associate Executive Secretary of UISG. Your worldwide experience and networking as Religious will be a valuable contribution to continue your journey as apostolic woman religious at the UISG. We support you with our prayer and collaboration as you work, in your own words, " to deepen our global sisterhood, expand networking and collaboration, and witness to the charismatic identity of consecrated life". Thank you for your commitment! Walburga CPS and the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood CPS
Louanna Sciubba SNDdeN
I read the words GLOBAL SISTERHOOD it brought tears- this is what is new to our call … so grateful. Blessings to you in your service to all of us. I hope technology helps us to meet up together.
John Joslin
I look forward to reading and hearing more about the work and agendas of the joint programs of the USIG.
Sister DeSales Tonero, SCC
Congratulations, Sr. Roxanne. I remember you from my time in Rome and know you will bring much experience to the UISG as you serve as the Associate Executive Secretary.
Joan Mumaw, ihm
Congratulations, Roxanne. You are a gift to all who are members of UISG. You bring so much experience to this new ministry. I am so glad to see you appointed to this position. Blessings in the months ahead. Joan ihm
Cecilia Mzumara mic
Thank you Sr. Roxanne for your availability and generosity to offer your services to UISG as Associate Secretary.Be assured of our prayer as you give hope to consecrated life in the church and in the world of today!
Franca Zonta
Grazie, carissima Sr. Roxanne, per la tua disponibilità ad assumere questo servizio. Ti siamo molto riconoscenti. Un grande grazie a Sr. Pat che ha speso tante energie e tanta competenza per la vita consacrata. Siamo fiere e grate di essere state così ben rappresentate. E continueremo ad esserlo con Roxanne. Buona missione! E un grandissimo abbraccio ad entrambe!
sister Marjolein Bruinen
Dear Sister Roxanne, I warmly welcome you and wish you God's richest blessing for your new mission. I hope, one day, to be able to greet you! Heartfelt greetings, sister Marjolein Bruinen OP secretary general of UCESM (Union of Conferences of major superiors in Europe)
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Mary Pat Garvin, RSM
Roxanne, Greetings! Thank you for your willingness to become the new Associate Executive Secretary for UISG. For many years (back to the late 1990's) I have had the wonderful opportunity to contribute in a small way to UISG -- in particularly, with the formation program for new vocation and formation ministers. Back in the 1990's/early 2000's it was coordinated by Sr. Barbara. If my memory is correct she was a SND. I was living in Rome at the time teaching and also had the chance to teach some courses at "Regina Mundi" and contributed to the formators program way back then. When Sr. Pat began anew the Programme for the Preparation of Formators, I was happy to contribute to helping design the program and now return each May to teach in the program. I love working with women religious from around the globe. And....I think I am correct that the Sisters in Bridgeport, Conn. living at Watermark -- are members of your congregation. At the beginning of October I was there for about 5 days offering a guided retreat to your Sisters. It was a wonderful experience and Sr. John Vianney was a great help. Hopefully we will meet in person in May when I come to Rome ---- but, I think that I am teaching the exact week of the UISG Plennary. Hum...maybe we will not meet. That meeting is so influencial, as I am sure you know. I had the wondrful experinece of being one of the keynote speakers back in 2013. Blessings on all you are involved in at this time. Thanks again! Sincerely, Mary Pat Garvin, RSM