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An Tairseach: Autumn 2024 Programme

An Tairseach: Autumn 2024 Programme


An Tairseach, the Wicklow based, Cabra Dominican sponsored Centre for Ecology, Spirituality and Theology is delighted to share with you our upcoming courses, workshops, and 4-week sabbatical programme for the autumn season.


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As you will see in the flyer, there are a variety of exciting programmes being offered: John Feehan's, Third Day of Creation weekend course, Loving the Land Saturday workshops led by Angie Kinsella and Peter Loughlin, the five-day course, Exploring the Mystery at the Heart of Creation facilitated by Colette Kane OP, and The four-week Sabbatical Programme, Enter the Centre, facilitated by the team of Sharon Zayac OP, Niamh Brennan, Dolores Whelan, and Colette Kane OP.


As we approach the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, the cry of the Earth has become increasingly desperate.  An Tairseach has heard Pope Francis’ challenge to promote education, rooted in our Christian tradition, that animates ecological conversion.


More information: info@antairseach.ie

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