

First Meeting of the Global Commission of the International Network for Migrants and Refugees Projec

First Meeting of the International Commission of the International Network for Migrants and Refugees Project


Given the magnitude of this migratory phenomenon, and after providing a concrete response in Sicily, UISG, we are aware that in other parts of the world people is suffering the consequences of different type of conflicts and climate change, that force them to fly their homes.


Our proposal:
We create an office that will seek to raise reflections, prayer and concrete and articulate answers to the question: What can we do to respond it? 

The International Migration project aims to reach the people in their own reality of migration, setting up the channels of networking and support: 

  • To create a network of support for religious congregations working in this field and encouraging those congregations who would like to join this ministry. 
  • To promote reflection processes on the phenomenon of migration and to explore the implications for formation and mission within religious congregations. 
  • To develop a spirituality that allows us to be converted by the migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced people.


One step more in this journey, is the formation workshop that we will have this coming November 19 to 21 at the UISG headquarters in Rome. A small group of sisters representing different part of the world will come together to reflect on the challenges of the migratory context of today.


We count on your prayers, very soon we will be sharing with you the fruits of this meeting. Thank you.

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