

New Leadership Elected for the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis

New Leadership Elected for the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis



The General Chapter of the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis (Krankenschwestern des hl. Franziskus) gathered in Münster for the election of their new leadership.

Sister M. Margarete Ulager from the German Province was re-elected by secret ballot for a second term as General Superior. Upon accepting the position, Sister Margarete expressed her trust in God's guidance and the protection of the Blessed Mother, while asking for the support of her fellow Sisters in fulfilling her responsibilities.

Following the election, Sister Margarete was entrusted with the key and the official seal of the Congregation, symbolizing her role in leading the community.


The Chapter also elected four General Councilors to support the leadership:

General Vicaress: Sister M. Rita Edakkoottathil, Indian Province
General Councilor: Sister M. Lima Arackal, Indian Province
General Councilor: Sister M. Hiltrud Vacker, German Province
General Councilor: Sister M. Teresa Wawrowicz, Polish Province


Warm congratulations are extended to Sister M. Margarete and the newly elected General Council. May God’s blessings accompany them as they guide and serve the Congregation in the coming years.

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